
Friday – December 6, 2024 – Market Results, Bred Cows

Friday – Breed Cows 12/6/24
Bred Code
Blue 1st calf heifer, 2 yrs old
Pink 2nd calf heifer, 3-4 yrs old
Green Solid mouth Cow, 4-6 yrs old
Orange Spreader mouth, 6 – 8 yrs old
Yellow broken mouth & older
Legible Bangs Vaccinated as a heifer
Non-Legible Never BV or can’t read
Numbers on Tag is Months bred
1 red cow grn 6 mo, leg 2100 hd Ft Collins
2 red cow blue 5+ mo, leg 1990 hd Ft Collins
2 blk cow grn 6 mo, leg 1970 hd Platteville
2 blk cow pink 4+ mo, leg 1960 hd Lafayette
2 mx cow blue 6-7 mo, non 1720 hd Laramie
7 sh cow yell 5-7 mo, non 1530 hd Longmont
13 blk cow yell 3-4 mo, leg 1530 hd Elk Mountain
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Friday – December 6, 2024 – Market Results, Slaughter Cows, Bulls & Heiferettes

Friday – Slaughter & Breeders 12/6/24
Next Auction – December 13, 2024
Bred cow Special
Cows: 1 red cow 1760 lbs 128.00 cwt Saratoga
1 blk cow 1215 lbs 127.00 cwt Walden
1 chax cow 1175 lbs 125.00 cwt Walden
1 blk cow 1460 lbs 124.50 cwt Oak Creek
1 blk cow 1365 lbs 122.50 cwt Oak Creek
11 blk cow 1491 lbs 121.50 cwt Walden
2 blk cow 1378 lbs 121.00 cwt Black Hawk
6 mx cow 1371 lbs 119.50 cwt Walden
2 bkwf cow 1273 lbs 119.50 cwt Coalmont
1 blk cow 1980 lbs 118.50 cwt Carpenter
4 bkwf cow 1293 lbs 118.50 cwt Walden
8 bkwf cow 1256 lbs 118.00 cwt Walden
6 rwf cow 1306 lbs 117.50 cwt Walden
1 char cow 1320 lbs 115.50 cwt Walden
3 mx cow 1333 lbs 115.50 cwt Saratoga
5 blk cow 1180 lbs 114.50 cwt Walden
4 bkwf cow 1161 lbs 114.50 cwt Coalmont
5 bkwf cow 957 lbs 113.50 cwt Jefferson
5 rwf cow 1157 lbs 112.50 cwt Walden
1 blk cow 1390 lbs 111.50 cwt Bellvue
2 rwf cow 1230 lbs 110.00 cwt Walden
1 bkwf cow 1095 lbs 109.50 cwt Jefferson
Dairy Cows: 1 hol cow 1750 lbs 114.50 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 1650 lbs 114.00 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1600 lbs 113.50 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1950 lbs 113.00 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 1815 lbs 112.00 cwt Longmont
2 hol cow 1658 lbs 111.50 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1900 lbs 111.00 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1870 lbs 110.50 cwt Loveland
1 hol cow 1595 lbs 110.00 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 2085 lbs 109.50 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 1600 lbs 108.00 cwt Loveland
1 hol cow 1685 lbs 107.50 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1380 lbs 107.00 cwt Bellvue
1 jer cow 1200 lbs 104.00 cwt Johnstown
1 jer cow 1110 lbs 101.00 cwt Loveland
1 jer cow 1250 lbs 100.50 cwt Loveland
1 jer cow 1050 lbs 100.00 cwt Johnstown
Bulls: 1 blk bull 2115 lbs 146.50 cwt Platteville
1 blk bull 2115 lbs 140.00 cwt Elk Mountain
1 blk bull 2000 lbs 135.00 cwt Laramie
1 char bull 1015 lbs 135.00 cwt Roggen
1 red bull 1630 lbs 133.50 cwt Saratoga
1 blk bull 1245 lbs 131.00 cwt Hygiene
1 char bull 1030 lbs 128.00 cwt Ft Lupton
Heiferette: 1 blk hfrt 925 lbs 188.00 cwt Saratoga
3 hol hfrt 937 lbs 178.50 cwt Longmont
10 hol hfrt 1292 lbs 154.50 cwt Ft Collins
1 blk hfrt 1150 lbs 146.00 cwt Bellvue
2 hol hfrt 1500 lbs 146.00 cwt Colfax
5 hol hfrt 1440 lbs 138.00 cwt Ft Collins
2 bkwf hfrt 1053 lbs 131.00 cwt Walden
1 blk hfrt 1010 lbs 119.00 cwt Walden
1 rwf hfrt 1230 lbs 118.50 cwt Phippsburg
2 rwf hfrt 1065 lbs 117.00 cwt Walden
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Thursday – December 5, 2024 – Market Results, Feeder Calves & Yearlings

Thursday – December 5, 2024 – Feeder Calves & Yearlings
Please check out our representative sales, not all listed:
Next feeder sale is Thursday – December 12, 2024
Steers 3 blk str 333 lbs 400.00 cwt Bellvue
11 blk str 464 lbs 344.00 cwt Walden
6 blk str 534 lbs 335.00 cwt Greeley
23 blk str 459 lbs 333.00 cwt Encampment
2 blk str 523 lbs 310.00 cwt Oak Creek
18 bkwf str 582 lbs 286.00 cwt Walden
7 blk str 578 lbs 279.00 cwt Saratoga
31 blk str 601 lbs 276.00 cwt Encampment
11 mx str 675 lbs 247.50 cwt Boulder
17 blk str 1024 lbs 219.50 cwt Cheyenne
Heifers 4 mx hfr 313 lbs 365.00 cwt Greeley
2 red hfr 438 lbs 345.00 cwt Eaton
13 blk hfr 409 lbs 317.00 cwt Encampment
5 bkwf hfr 412 lbs 315.00 cwt Oak Creek
7 blk hfr 486 lbs 315.00 cwt Hayden
28 blk hfr 526 lbs 292.00 cwt Encampment
8 bkwf hfr 555 lbs 267.50 cwt Boulder
5 blk hfr 592 lbs 260.00 cwt Boulder
3 blk hfr 637 lbs 252.50 cwt Walden
5 blk hfr 637 lbs 250.00 cwt Ft Collins
4 rwf hfr 698 lbs 225.00 cwt Platteville
3 blk hfr 922 lbs 197.50 cwt Greeley
Bull Calves: 5 blk fbull 374 lbs 302.50 cwt Eaton
5 blk fbull 747 lbs 220.00 cwt Broomfield
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Wednesday – December 4, 2024 – Market Results, Hogs, Sheep, Goats & Horses

Wednesday – December 4, 2024
Please check out our representative sales, Not all listed:
Next Sale is December 11, 2024
Lambs: 5 dorp lamb 59 lbs 287.50 cwt Wheatland
10 dorp lamb 47 lbs 280.00 cwt Wiggins
46 dorp lamb 53 lbs 275.00 cwt Wiggins
11 brwt lamb 60 lbs 262.50 cwt Avondale
11 mx lamb 47 lbs 260.00 cwt Savery
43 wf lamb 59 lbs 247.50 cwt Savery
12 mx lamb 60 lbs 245.00 cwt Buena Vista
22 wf lamb 58 lbs 245.00 cwt Roosevelt
12 dorp lamb 73 lbs 227.50 cwt Lovell
33 wf lamb 71 lbs 210.00 cwt Roosevelt
14 bf lamb 94 lbs 207.50 cwt Mitchell
13 mx lamb 86 lbs 205.00 cwt Lapoint
25 bf lamb 91 lbs 197.50 cwt Torrington
39 dorp lamb 98 lbs 189.00 cwt Lapoint
87 wf lamb 95 lbs 185.00 cwt Lapoint
23 mx lamb 105 lbs 180.00 cwt Lapoint
22 bf lamb 114 lbs 175.00 cwt Torrington
10 dorp lamb 125 lbs 150.00 cwt Lapoint
10 wf lamb 133 lbs 140.00 cwt Lapoint
Ewe Lamb: 37 dorp ewel 55 lbs 280.00 cwt Lapoint
34 dorp ewel 72 lbs 225.00 cwt Lapoint
14 dorp ewel 76 lbs 220.00 cwt Rye
16 wht ewel 104 lbs 191.00 cwt Crook
Ram lamb: 16 dorp raml 103 lbs 182.50 cwt Springer
6 mx raml 126 lbs 145.00 cwt Lovell
12 wf raml 128 lbs 122.50 cwt Craig
Wether Lambs: 27 dorp weth 62 lbs 262.50 cwt Lapoint
53 dorp weth 75 lbs 217.50 cwt Lapoint
26 dorp weth 91 lbs 192.50 cwt Craig
Ewes: 3 bf ewe 122 lbs 107.50 cwt Ft Lupton
9 dorp ewe 101 lbs 107.50 cwt Briggsdale
7 bf ewe 259 lbs 105.00 cwt Johnstown
7 wht ewe 130 lbs 97.00 cwt Wiggins
25 mx ewe 178 lbs 90.00 cwt Craig
40 wf ewe 180 lbs 85.00 cwt New Castle
39 wf ewe 183 lbs 82.00 cwt Roosevelt
19 wf ewe 178 lbs 78.00 cwt Douglas
18 wf ewe 177 lbs 77.00 cwt Douglas
11 wf ewe 146 lbs 75.00 cwt Roosevelt
32 wf ewe 153 lbs 75.00 cwt New Castle
30 wf ewe 146 lbs 73.00 cwt Douglas
26 wf ewe 151 lbs 68.00 cwt Douglas
Rams: 4 bf ram 209 lbs 140.00 cwt Ft Lupton
1 dorp ram 125 lbs 130.00 cwt Brighton
6 bf ram 182 lbs 117.50 cwt Monte Vista
Wether Goats: 3 mx weth 155 lbs 350.00 ea Valparaiso
3 boer weth 126 lbs 330.00 ea Gillette
5 boer weth 112 lbs 325.00 ea Gurley
3 brwt weth 127 lbs 290.00 ea Valparaiso
5 boer weth 113 lbs 275.00 ea Gurley
1 boer weth 115 lbs 230.00 ea Nunn
Does: 2 boer doe 78 lbs 205.00 ea Wellington
4 boer doe 73 lbs 190.00 ea Ft Collins
4 wht doe 64 lbs 180.00 ea Manning
5 mx doe 73 lbs 175.00 ea Conifer
7 boer doe 75 lbs 170.00 ea Farson
33 mx doe 61 lbs 160.00 ea Lyman
16 mx doe 53 lbs 147.50 ea Lyman
16 boer doe 55 lbs 145.00 ea Wray
8 boer doe 44 lbs 140.00 ea Avondale
5 dwar doe 66 lbs 77.50 ea Hemingford
Kids: 7 brwt kids 87 lbs 175.00 ea Lovell
7 mx kids 68 lbs 160.00 ea Alamosa
22 boer kids 46 lbs 140.00 ea Gillette
15 mx kids 48 lbs 120.00 ea Custer
16 boer kids 42 lbs 120.00 ea Ft Morgan
11 mx kids 47 lbs 110.00 ea Jeffrey Cty
17 boer kids 36 lbs 92.50 ea Ft Morgan
13 mx kids 36 lbs 65.00 ea Custer
5 dwar kids 38 lbs 27.50 ea Wiggins
3 dwar kids 30 lbs 27.50 ea Ft Lupton
Nannies: 3 boer nany 130 lbs 210.00 ea Rye
7 mx nany 121 lbs 185.00 ea Custer
8 boer nany 130 lbs 175.00 ea Kersey
16 boer nany 126 lbs 165.00 ea Gillette
11 boer nany 118 lbs 155.00 ea Ft Morgan
10 boer nany 117 lbs 152.50 ea Monte Vista
12 boer nany 105 lbs 142.50 ea Buena Vista
9 boer nany 111 lbs 140.00 ea Monte Vista
6 brwt nany 125 lbs 130.00 ea Farson
Billies: 1 boer billy 180 lbs 375.00 ea Agate
1 boer billy 190 lbs 350.00 ea Lovell
2 boer billy 148 lbs 277.50 ea Yuma
2 mx billy 143 lbs 265.00 ea Jeffrey Cty
1 spot billy 110 lbs 250.00 ea Gillette
1 boer billy 100 lbs 210.00 ea Keystone
2 boer billy 100 lbs 205.00 ea Custer
10 wht billy 89 lbs 190.00 ea Killdeer
5 boer billy 69 lbs 180.00 ea Fruita
8 mx billy 53 lbs 127.50 ea Custer
8 dwar billy 41 lbs 62.50 Eaton
Butchers: 4 bkwt butc 153 lbs 112.50 cwt Cheyenne
3 wht butc 300 lbs 105.00 cwt Torrington
4 belt butc 306 lbs 100.00 cwt Arcadia
3 blue butc 295 lbs 97.50 cwt Arcadia
1 wht butc 390 lbs 95.00 cwt Yuma
Sows: 1 belt sow 475 lbs 70.00 cwt Bennett
2 blue sow 725 lbs 65.00 cwt Cheyenne
1 spot sow 405 lbs 62.50 cwt Bennett
Boars: 1 rdwt boar 305 lbs 11.00 cwt Yuma
1 wht boar 750 lbs 5.00 cwt Yuma
1 spot boar 445 lbs 2.00 cwt Bennett
1 spot boar 610 lbs 2.00 cwt Keystone
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Monday – December 2, 2024 – Market Results, Holstein & Holstein x steers & heifers

Monday – December 2, 2024
Please check out our representative sales,
Not all listed:
Next Sale is Thursday – January 9, 2024
XBREDS STEERS: 21 blk str 303 lbs 435.00 cwt Brighton
13 blk str 387 lbs 417.50 cwt Greeley
17 blk str 362 lbs 415.00 cwt Greeley
12 mx str 391 lbs 410.00 cwt Greeley
10 blk str 390 lbs 400.00 cwt Eaton
23 blk str 390 lbs 400.00 cwt Platteville
17 blk str 395 lbs 390.00 cwt Erie
20 blk str 438 lbs 370.00 cwt Kersey
28 blk str 505 lbs 313.00 cwt Platteville
23 blk str 510 lbs 310.00 cwt Kersey
DAIRY STEERS: 16 hol str 222 lbs 365.00 cwt Longmont
26 hol str 237 lbs 340.00 cwt Greeley
35 hol str 300 lbs 330.00 cwt Longmont
49 hol str 340 lbs 315.00 cwt Ft Collins
45 hol str 333 lbs 310.00 cwt Milliken
19 hol str 348 lbs 310.00 cwt Burlington
35 hol str 393 lbs 302.50 cwt Ft Collins
48 hol str 321 lbs 287.50 cwt Yankton
70 hol str 393 lbs 280.00 cwt Yankton
64 hol str 395 lbs 272.50 cwt Platteville
49 hol str 481 lbs 252.00 cwt Platteville
28 hol str 433 lbs 245.00 cwt Pierce
66 hol str 451 lbs 240.00 cwt Ft Lupton
19 hol str 513 lbs 230.00 cwt Gill
17 hol str 503 lbs 230.00 cwt Pierce
15 hol str 521 lbs 225.00 cwt Greeley
34 hol str 550 lbs 220.00 cwt Delmont
11 hol str 587 lbs 217.50 cwt Monte Vista
21 hol str 734 lbs 187.00 cwt Fleming
6 hol str 968 lbs 168.00 cwt Monte Vista
6 jers str 722 lbs 140.00 cwt Greybull
XBREDS HEIFERS: 6 blk hfrs 297 lbs 370.00 cwt Brighton
10 chax hfrs 260 lbs 345.00 cwt Torrington
32 blk hfrs 373 lbs 335.00 cwt Greeley
40 blk hfrs 425 lbs 305.00 cwt Platteville
7 blk hfrs 386 lbs 285.00 cwt Ault
16 blk hfrs 378 lbs 280.00 cwt Eaton
15 blk hfrs 523 lbs 265.00 cwt Platteville
10 char hfrs 449 lbs 245.00 cwt Delmont
27 blk hfrs 432 lbs 245.00 cwt Kersey
18 blk hfrs 515 lbs 235.00 cwt Kersey
7 blk hfrs 674 lbs 215.00 cwt Newcastle
9 blk hfrs 1334 lbs 178.50 cwt Delta
DAIRY HEIFERS: 7 hol hfrs 300 lbs 230.00 cwt Ft Collins
6 hol hfrs 567 lbs 192.50 cwt Greeley
8 hol hfrs 1071 lbs 182.00 cwt Ault
11 hol hfrs 1127 lbs 178.00 cwt Ft Lupton
3 jerx hfrs 1173 lbs 176.00 cwt Delta
6 hol hfrs 1285 lbs 172.00 cwt Ault
7 hol hfrs 1261 lbs 171.00 cwt Delta
10 jer hfrs 1196 lbs 135.00 cwt Delta
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Wednesday – November 27, 2024 – Maarket Results, Hogs, Sheep & Goats

Wednesday – November 27, 2024
Please check out our representative sales, Not all listed:
Next Sale is December 4, 2024
Lambs: 25 dorp lamb 68 lbs 253.00 cwt Briggsdale
18 dorp lamb 89 lbs 229.00 cwt Briggsdale
24 dorp lamb 86 lbs 226.00 cwt Mead
31 dorp lamb 72 lbs 220.00 cwt Greybull
45 wf lamb 91 lbs 186.00 cwt Duran
32 wf lamb 78 lbs 177.50 cwt Duran
11 dorp lamb 100 lbs 172.50 cwt Greybull
Ewe Lamb: 6 brwt ewel 57 lbs 271.00 cwt Hudson
9 dorp ewel 108 lbs 185.00 cwt Platteville
Ram lamb: 16 dorp raml 67 lbs 242.00 cwt Chugwater
36 dorp raml 75 lbs 228.00 cwt Chugwater
14 bf raml 186 lbs 132.50 cwt Brush
21 bf raml 215 lbs 121.00 cwt Brush
Wether Lambs: 18 dorp weth 78 lbs 236.00 cwt Burns
48 dorp weth 86 lbs 230.00 cwt Burns
14 dorp weth 79 lbs 218.00 cwt Ft Lupton
Ewes: 11 bf ewe 198 lbs 122.50 cwt Arcadia
3 dorp ewe 135 lbs 120.00 cwt Casper
3 brwt ewe 180 lbs 112.50 cwt Arcadia
2 dorp ewe 148 lbs 107.50 cwt Briggsdale
9 dorp ewe 119 lbs 98.00 cwt Greybull
9 mx ewe 167 lbs 97.50 cwt Pine Bluffs
16 wf ewe 133 lbs 79.00 cwt Cheyenne
24 wf ewe 136 lbs 78.50 cwt Duran
13 wf ewe 147 lbs 78.00 cwt Cheyenne
10 wf ewe 118 lbs 75.00 cwt Duran
Rams: 1 dorp ram 125 lbs 127.50 cwt Hudson
2 dorp ram 170 lbs 120.00 cwt Mead
4 dorp ram 150 lbs 102.50 cwt Greybull
Wether Goats: 10 boer weth 113 lbs 335.00 ea Gurley
3 brwt weth 117 lbs 335.00 ea Torrington
2 boer weth 95 lbs 295.00 ea Johnstown
4 boer weth 89 lbs 270.00 ea Strasburg
3 mx weth 115 lbs 265.00 ea Cheyenne
4 boer weth 74 lbs 210.00 ea Strasburg
25 mx weth 73 lbs 187.50 ea Lusk
5 mx weth 62 lbs 170.00 ea Lusk
21 mx weth 58 lbs 165.00 ea Dalton
25 mx weth 57 lbs 157.50 ea Dalton
39 mx weth 47 lbs 132.00 ea Dalton
10 mx weth 36 lbs 92.50 ea Dalton
Does: 16 boer doe 78 lbs 210.00 ea Ft Lupton
3 boer doe 72 lbs 190.00 ea Ft Lupton
3 boer doe 68 lbs 190.00 ea Atwood
10 boer doe 68 lbs 173.00 ea Lusk
3 boer doe 50 lbs 145.00 ea Ft Lupton
9 mx doe 82 lbs 130.00 ea Strasburg
7 b/w doe 64 lbs 122.50 ea Strasburg
Kids: 3 boer kids 57 lbs 155.00 ea Belen
4 boer kids 51 lbs 145.00 ea Kersey
Nannies: 2 boer nany 165 lbs 210.00 ea Johnstown
2 boer nany 148 lbs 192.50 ea Kersey
2 nubi nany 135 lbs 175.00 ea Oral
11 boer nany 128 lbs 167.50 ea Atwood
9 mx nany 146 lbs 162.50 ea Dalton
11 boer nany 115 lbs 150.00 ea Dalton
12 mx nany 105 lbs 137.50 ea Dalton
3 mx nany 102 lbs 135.00 ea Kersey
7 boer nany 87 lbs 120.00 ea Dalton
2 dwar nany 48 lbs 42.50 ea Berthoud
Billies: 1 boer billy 120 lbs 285.00 ea Ft Lupton
4 nubi billy 150 lbs 270.00 ea Glendo
4 b/w billy 80 lbs 212.50 ea Ft Collins
5 boer billy 70 lbs 202.50 ea Ft Lupton
2 boer billy 83 lbs 192.50 ea Belen
Feeders: 7 wht pigs 119 lbs 140.00 hd Russell
5 wht pigs 108 lbs 120.00 hd Russell
3 wht pigs 102 lbs 70.00 hd Platteville
4 wht pigs 102 lbs 65.00 hd Platteville
Butchers: 3 wht butc 235 lbs 90.00 cwt Arcadia
3 spot butc 243 lbs 85.00 cwt Arcadia
4 wht butc 290 lbs 65.00 cwt Torrington
2 wht butc 275 lbs 62.00 cwt Torrington
4 wht butc 305 lbs 56.00 cwt Torrington
Sows: 2 blk sow 633 lbs 30.00 cwt Yuma
5 blk sow 591 lbs 29.00 cwt Yuma
1 blk sow 845 lbs 28.00 cwt Yuma
6 blk sow 630 lbs 28.00 cwt Yuma
4 blk sow 533 lbs 28.00 cwt Yuma
1 belt sow 320 lbs 23.00 cwt Lisco
Boars: 1 belt boar 190 lbs 7.00 cwt Lisco
1 spot boar 455 lbs 3.00 cwt Kimball
1 blk boar 460 lbs 3.00 cwt Yuma
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Saturday – November 23, 2024 – Hay Market Results

November 23, 2024 – Fence Post
Total Tons – 1856.1
BUNDLES 18 84 SM SQ GRASS 48 lb/bale 5.50  $ /bale 229.17  $ per ton
BUNDLES 4 36 84 SM SQ GRASS 43 lb/bale 4.50  $ /bale 209.30  $ per ton
BUNDLES, 2 18 42 SM SQ GRASS 48 lb/bale 5.00  $ /bale 208.33  $ per ton
WHEAT GRASS 67 30 SM SQ GRASS 44 lb/bale 4.50  $ /bale 204.55  $ per ton
BUNDLES – 2 19 42 SM SQ GRASS 45 lb/bale 4.50  $ /bale 200.00  $ per ton
BUNDLES – 16 19 336 SM SQ GRASS 45 lb/bale 4.25  $ /bale 188.89  $ per ton
GRASS – 2 PILES 28 60 SM SQ GRASS 44 lb/bale 2.25  $ /bale 102.27  $ per ton
GRASS – SM SQ                  Bales ranged from       $2.00 to       $6.00
BUNDLES, 1 17 21 SM SQ ALFALFA 51 lb/bale 7.00  $ /bale 274.51  $ per ton
4TH, BUNDLES – 1 25 21 SM SQ ALFALFA 50 lb/bale 6.75  $ /bale 270.00  $ per ton
4TH, BUNDLES – 39 25 819 SM SQ ALFALFA 50 lb/bale 6.25  $ /bale 250.00  $ per ton
4TH, BUNDLES -2 53 42 SM SQ ALFALFA 51 lb/bale 6.25  $ /bale 245.10  $ per ton
3RD 9 60 SM SQ ALFALFA 58 lb/bale 7.00  $ /bale 241.38  $ per ton
3RD 104 80 SM SQ ALFALFA 57 lb/bale 6.75  $ /bale 236.84  $ per ton
ALFALFA – SM SQ                Bales ranged from       $6.25 to       $7.50
3RD, BUNDLES, 3 69 63 SM SQ GRASS/ALFALFA 47 lb/bale 7.25  $ /bale 308.51  $ per ton
2ND, BUNDLES 8 68 168 SM SQ GRASS/ALFALFA 46 lb/bale 6.50  $ /bale 282.61  $ per ton
2ND, BUNDLES 68 126 SM SQ GRASS/ALFALFA 46 lb/bale 6.00  $ /bale 260.87  $ per ton
2ND, BUNDLES, 4 68 84 SM SQ GRASS/ALFALFA 46 lb/bale 6.00  $ /bale 260.87  $ per ton
2ND 103 27 SM SQ GRASS/ALFALFA 47 lb/bale 5.25  $ /bale 223.40  $ per ton
GR/ALF – SM SQ                 Bales ranged from       $5.25 to       $7.50
2ND 1 7 3X3 GRASS 675 lb/bale 95.00  $ /bale 281.48  $ per ton
NP 6 58 3X3 GRASS 649 lb/bale 77.50  $ /bale 238.83  $ per ton
NP 5 57 3X3 GRASS 663 lb/bale 77.50  $ /bale 233.79  $ per ton
57 4 3X3 GRASS 816 lb/bale 92.50  $ /bale 226.72  $ per ton
NP 39 30 3X3 GRASS 695 lb/bale 77.50  $ /bale 223.02  $ per ton
1ST 101 16 3X3 GRASS 808 lb/bale 90.00  $ /bale 222.77  $ per ton
49 63 3X3 GRASS 704 lb/bale 75.00  $ /bale 213.07  $ per ton
1ST 101 10 3X3 GRASS 808 lb/bale 85.50  $ /bale 211.63  $ per ton
1ST 101 6 3X3 GRASS 808 lb/bale 85.00  $ /bale 210.40  $ per ton
NP 40 72 3X3 GRASS 690 lb/bale 72.50  $ /bale 210.14  $ per ton
51 20 3X3 GRASS 697 lb/bale 72.50  $ /bale 208.03  $ per ton
1ST 95 48 3X3 GRASS 660 lb/bale 67.50  $ /bale 204.55  $ per ton
1ST 101 29 3X3 GRASS 808 lb/bale 77.50  $ /bale 191.83  $ per ton
1ST 32 30 3X3 GRASS 669 lb/bale 62.50  $ /bale 186.85  $ per ton
47 47 3X3 GRASS 570 lb/bale 47.50  $ /bale 166.67  $ per ton
GRASS – 3X3                    Bales ranged from      $30.00 to     $120.00
3RD 21 20 3X3 ALFALFA 654 lb/bale 75.00  $ /bale 229.36  $ per ton
2ND, CV 22 2 3X3 ALFALFA 725 lb/bale 75.00  $ /bale 206.90  $ per ton
2ND 41 10 3X3 ALFALFA 703 lb/bale 72.50  $ /bale 206.26  $ per ton
3RD 81 48 3X3 ALFALFA 795 lb/bale 77.50  $ /bale 194.97  $ per ton
4TH 24 72 3X3 ALFALFA 799 lb/bale 72.50  $ /bale 181.48  $ per ton
2ND 48 36 3X3 ALFALFA 715 lb/bale 60.00  $ /bale 167.83  $ per ton
ALFALFA – 3X3                  Bales ranged from      $50.00 to      $85.00
GR/ALF – 3X3
1ST, BS 16 10 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 619 lb/bale 80.00  $ /bale 258.48  $ per ton
1ST, BS 16 15 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 619 lb/bale 77.50  $ /bale 250.40  $ per ton
3RD 102 24 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 768 lb/bale 85.00  $ /bale 221.35  $ per ton
3RD, BS 43 41 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 723 lb/bale 72.50  $ /bale 200.55  $ per ton
2ND, BS 38 14 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 827 lb/bale 82.50  $ /bale 199.52  $ per ton
2ND 44 20 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 714 lb/bale 70.00  $ /bale 196.08  $ per ton
3RD 84 12 3X3 GRASS/ALFALFA 701 lb/bale 65.00  $ /bale 185.45  $ per ton
GR/ALF – 3X3                   Bales ranged from      $37.50 to      $85.00
Millet/Grass – 3X3
14 80 3X3 Millet/Grass 627 lb/bale 47.50  $ /bale 151.52  $ per ton
Millet/Grass – 3X3                      Bales ranged from      $47.50 to      $50.00
78 23 3X4 GRASS 1129 lb/bale 115.00  $ /bale 203.72  $ per ton
1ST 99 21 3X4 GRASS 1161 lb/bale 105.00  $ /bale 180.88  $ per ton
1ST 92 20 3X4 GRASS 1245 lb/bale 105.00  $ /bale 168.67  $ per ton
2ND 83 24 3X4 GRASS 1223 lb/bale 87.50  $ /bale 143.09  $ per ton
GRASS – 3X4                    Bales ranged from      $40.00 to     $125.00
3RD 96 39 3X4 ALFALFA 1343 lb/bale 145.00  $ /bale 215.93  $ per ton
3RD 86 39 3X4 ALFALFA 1366 lb/bale 145.00  $ /bale 212.30  $ per ton
1ST 23 5 3X4 ALFALFA 1190 lb/bale 117.50  $ /bale 197.48  $ per ton
2ND 15 10 3X4 ALFALFA 1204 lb/bale 117.50  $ /bale 195.18  $ per ton
1ST 11 25 3X4 ALFALFA 1173 lb/bale 112.50  $ /bale 191.82  $ per ton
3RD 13 20 3X4 ALFALFA 1286 lb/bale 120.00  $ /bale 186.63  $ per ton
2ND, BS 55 30 3X4 ALFALFA 1141 lb/bale 92.50  $ /bale 162.14  $ per ton
2ND 58 39 3X4 ALFALFA 1153 lb/bale 90.00  $ /bale 156.11  $ per ton
2ND 94 42 3X4 ALFALFA 1415 lb/bale 107.50  $ /bale 151.94  $ per ton
ALFALFA – 3X4                  Bales ranged from      $82.50 to     $145.00
GR/ALF – 3X4
1ST 62 10 3X4 GRASS/ALFALFA 1380 lb/bale 145.00  $ /bale 210.14  $ per ton
1ST 62 14 3X4 GRASS/ALFALFA 1380 lb/bale 140.00  $ /bale 202.90  $ per ton
2ND 63 34 3X4 GRASS/ALFALFA 1428 lb/bale 140.00  $ /bale 196.08  $ per ton
GR/ALF – 3X4                   Bales ranged from     $140.00 to     $150.00
3RD 75 14 LG RD ALFALFA 1639 lb/bale 160.00  $ /bale 195.24  $ per ton
4TH 33 31 LG RD ALFALFA 1509 lb/bale 145.00  $ /bale 192.18  $ per ton
3RD 87 32 LG RD ALFALFA 1466 lb/bale 140.00  $ /bale 191.00  $ per ton
3RD 66 20 LG RD ALFALFA 1596 lb/bale 150.00  $ /bale 187.97  $ per ton
3RD 34 20 LG RD ALFALFA 1157 lb/bale 100.00  $ /bale 172.86  $ per ton
3RD 88 34 LG RD ALFALFA 1588 lb/bale 115.00  $ /bale 144.84  $ per ton
ALFALFA – LG RD                Bales ranged from      $70.00 to     $160.00
3RD 3 12 LG RD GRASS/ALFALFA 930 lb/bale 115.00  $ /bale 247.31  $ per ton
3RD 35 12 LG RD GRASS/ALFALFA 768 lb/bale 87.50  $ /bale 227.86  $ per ton
2ND 76 12 LG RD GRASS/ALFALFA 817 lb/bale 82.50  $ /bale 201.96  $ per ton
1ST 89 12 LG RD GRASS/ALFALFA 777 lb/bale 57.50  $ /bale 148.01  $ per ton
GR/ALF – LG RD                 Bales ranged from      $57.50 to     $115.00
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Friday – November 22, 2024 – Market Results, Slaughter Cows & Bulls

Friday – Slaughter & Breeders 11/22/24
Next Auction – December 6, 2024
Cows: 1 blk cow 1170 lbs 138.00 cwt Kremmling
3 red cow 1123 lbs 135.50 cwt Clark
1 blk cow 1085 lbs 130.00 cwt Grover
1 bbf cow 1265 lbs 129.00 cwt Ault
6 bkwf cow 1070 lbs 125.00 cwt Kremmling
4 blk cow 1046 lbs 117.00 cwt Walden
1 blk cow 1350 lbs 116.00 cwt Kremmling
10 blk cow 1687 lbs 115.00 cwt Eaton
10 blk cow 1343 lbs 115.00 cwt Kremmling
5 bkwf cow 1281 lbs 115.00 cwt Kremmling
1 blk cow 1595 lbs 115.00 cwt Iliff
6 blk cow 1433 lbs 114.50 cwt Kremmling
5 blk cow 1129 lbs 114.50 cwt Kremmling
4 blk cow 1350 lbs 113.50 cwt Kremmling
4 blk cow 1306 lbs 112.50 cwt Kremmling
3 red cow 1590 lbs 112.00 cwt Clark
3 blk cow 1100 lbs 111.50 cwt Walden
4 blk cow 1265 lbs 111.00 cwt Kremmling
7 blk cow 1149 lbs 109.50 cwt Walden
11 blk cow 1165 lbs 108.00 cwt Kremmling
4 red cow 1431 lbs 107.50 cwt Clark
4 blk cow 1234 lbs 107.00 cwt Livermore
4 blk cow 1269 lbs 105.50 cwt Livermore
5 blk cow 1261 lbs 104.50 cwt Livermore
1 blk cow 1410 lbs 103.50 cwt Highlands Rch
7 blk cow 1084 lbs 102.00 cwt Livermore
Dairy Cows: 1 hol cow 1490 lbs 131.00 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1705 lbs 116.00 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1515 lbs 115.00 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1650 lbs 112.50 cwt Longmont
1 swis cow 1580 lbs 112.00 cwt Eaton
1 hol cow 2120 lbs 109.50 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1675 lbs 109.50 cwt Brighton
1 swis cow 1990 lbs 109.50 cwt Hereford
2 hol cow 1833 lbs 107.50 cwt Wellington
1 swis cow 1740 lbs 106.50 cwt Eaton
2 hol cow 1810 lbs 105.50 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 1580 lbs 104.50 cwt Wheatland
1 hol cow 1460 lbs 104.50 cwt Milliken
1 jer cow 1555 lbs 103.00 cwt Eaton
1 hol cow 1785 lbs 102.50 cwt Eaton
1 hol cow 1470 lbs 102.00 cwt Eaton
3 jer cow 1400 lbs 100.00 cwt Eaton
2 jer cow 1353 lbs 99.50 cwt Eaton
4 jer cow 1365 lbs 98.50 cwt Eaton
Bulls: 1 blk bull 1420 lbs 150.50 cwt Ft Collins
1 blk bull 1370 lbs 148.50 cwt Ft Collins
1 red bull 1700 lbs 144.00 cwt Ft Collins
1 blk bull 2140 lbs 140.50 cwt Kremmling
1 bwf bull 1785 lbs 140.00 cwt Encampment
1 blk bull 1860 lbs 137.00 cwt Kremmling
1 blk bull 1890 lbs 136.50 cwt Cheyenne
1 red bull 1515 lbs 133.50 cwt Grover
1 char bull 1920 lbs 123.50 cwt Bailey
Heiferette: 1 blk hfrt 955 lbs 177.50 cwt Grover
1 hol hfrt 1195 lbs 175.00 cwt Newton
6 hol hfrt 1205 lbs 175.00 cwt Colfax
9 bkwf hfrt 858 lbs 170.00 cwt Watkins
1 hol hfrt 1220 lbs 168.50 cwt Elkhart Lake
9 blk hfrt 961 lbs 157.00 cwt Kremmling
1 red hfrt 965 lbs 155.00 cwt Ault
1 bkwf hfrt 965 lbs 145.00 cwt Ault
1 hol hfrt 1400 lbs 145.00 cwt Wellington
1 hol hfrt 1420 lbs 144.00 cwt Wellington
1 hol hfrt 1420 lbs 120.00 cwt Wellington
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Thursday – November 21, 2024 – Market Results, Feeder Calves & Yearlings

Thursday – November 14, 2024 – Feeder Calves & Yearlings
Please check out our representative sales, not all listed:
Next feeder sale is Thursday – November 21, 2024
Steers 10 blk str 345 lbs 420.00 cwt Wellington
9 bkwf str 367 lbs 372.50 cwt Craig
1 blk str 445 lbs 365.00 cwt Cheyenne
5 blk str 409 lbs 357.50 cwt Kremmling
10 blk str 485 lbs 345.00 cwt Kremmling
13 blk str 499 lbs 311.00 cwt Walden
4 blk str 511 lbs 310.00 cwt Walden
9 blk str 552 lbs 297.00 cwt Cheyenne
2 blk str 620 lbs 260.00 cwt Carr
8 blk str 701 lbs 249.00 cwt Eaton
11 blk str 717 lbs 246.50 cwt Wellington
8 blk str 814 lbs 237.00 cwt Johnstown
9 mx str 1066 lbs 185.00 cwt Clark
Heifers 9 blk hfr 361 lbs 358.00 cwt Wellington
8 red hfr 365 lbs 345.00 cwt Bosler
7 bkwf hfr 319 lbs 345.00 cwt Craig
15 bkwf hfr 398 lbs 335.00 cwt Wellington
17 blk hfr 449 lbs 326.00 cwt Kremmling
4 blk hfr 469 lbs 318.00 cwt Walden
7 blk hfr 490 lbs 300.00 cwt Eaton
12 blk hfr 535 lbs 285.00 cwt Cheyenne
3 blk hfr 565 lbs 270.00 cwt LaSalle
3 blk hfr 625 lbs 245.00 cwt Granby
8 red hfr 863 lbs 206.00 cwt Clark
Bull Calves: 2 blk fbull 308 lbs 390.00 cwt Ault
6 blk fbull 715 lbs 221.00 cwt Eaton
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Wednesday – November 20, 2024 – Market Results, Hogs, Sheep, Goats, Calves & Horses

Wednesday – November 20, 2024
Please check out our representative sales, Not all listed:
Next Sale is November 27, 2024
Lambs: 14 dorp lamb 42 lbs 298.00 cwt Ft Lupton
9 dorp lamb 58 lbs 282.50 cwt LaSalle
7 dorp lamb 40 lbs 267.50 cwt Strasburg
32 dorp lamb 76 lbs 227.50 cwt Craig
8 mx lamb 65 lbs 220.00 cwt Watkins
5 mx lamb 60 lbs 215.00 cwt Arvada
13 mx lamb 76 lbs 205.00 cwt LaJara
11 mx lamb 78 lbs 195.00 cwt Hillrose
24 wf lamb 93 lbs 195.00 cwt Craig
17 mx lamb 81 lbs 195.00 cwt Hamilton
51 dorp lamb 92 lbs 190.00 cwt Craig
12 mx lamb 119 lbs 165.00 cwt Pierce
17 wf lamb 93 lbs 162.50 cwt Craig
58 mx lamb 102 lbs 156.00 cwt LaJara
20 mx lamb 111 lbs 147.50 cwt Hamilton
57 mx lamb 96 lbs 135.00 cwt Hamilton
Ewe Lamb: 36 dorp ewel 95 lbs 186.00 cwt Peetz
Ram lamb: 3 dorp raml 67 lbs 255.00 cwt Watkins
4 mx raml 98 lbs 200.00 cwt Hillrose
22 hair raml 91 lbs 190.00 cwt Peetz
11 bf raml 178 lbs 180.00 cwt Arcadia
4 bf raml 109 lbs 165.00 cwt Bosler
Wether Lambs: 3 bf weth 168 lbs 170.00 cwt Ft Lupton
6 bf weth 145 lbs 170.00 cwt Weldona
Ewes: 17 bf ewe 184 lbs 162.50 cwt Arcadia
5 bf ewe 167 lbs 155.00 cwt Eaton
2 bf ewe 178 lbs 155.00 cwt Merino
19 mx ewe 117 lbs 112.50 cwt Arvada
26 mx ewe 184 lbs 110.00 cwt LaJara
8 smut ewe 197 lbs 110.00 cwt Craig
8 mx ewe 149 lbs 107.50 cwt LaSalle
10 mx ewe 153 lbs 90.00 cwt LaJara
151 wf ewe 154 lbs 77.00 cwt Cheyenne
Rams: 1 wf ram 220 lbs 160.00 cwt Bosler
1 bf ram 270 lbs 140.00 cwt Craig
1 dorp ram 140 lbs 135.00 cwt Keenesburg
2 smut ram 185 lbs 122.50 cwt Hamilton
2 hair ram 165 lbs 120.00 cwt Arcadia
2 wf ram 233 lbs 115.00 cwt Watkins
1 wht ram 235 lbs 105.00 cwt Ft Collins
Wether Goats: 7 boer weth 101 lbs 260.00 ea Briggsdale
4 boer weth 80 lbs 225.00 ea Harrison
30 boer weth 78 lbs 211.00 ea Alliance
5 brwt weth 79 lbs 205.00 ea Greeley
11 boer weth 66 lbs 190.00 ea Kaycee
39 boer weth 53 lbs 190.00 ea Gillette
10 boer weth 66 lbs 187.50 ea Weldona
12 boer weth 49 lbs 170.00 ea Gillette
50 mx weth 52 lbs 143.00 ea Chadron
17 boer weth 38 lbs 116.00 ea Gillette
21 mx weth 41 lbs 105.00 ea Chadron
Does: 10 boer doe 111 lbs 250.00 ea Lafayette
3 mx doe 148 lbs 210.00 ea Torrington
13 boer doe 87 lbs 210.00 ea Craig
8 boer doe 77 lbs 205.00 ea Harrison
14 boer doe 71 lbs 195.00 ea Alliance
14 boer doe 70 lbs 192.50 ea Weldona
4 boer doe 83 lbs 180.00 ea West Haven
12 boer doe 46 lbs 130.00 ea Gillette
55 mx doe 47 lbs 128.00 ea Chadron
29 mx doe 47 lbs 125.00 ea Dalton
23 mx doe 38 lbs 105.00 ea Dalton
14 tawt doe 76 lbs 40.00 ea Willard
Kids: 2 tawt kids 78 lbs 210.00 ea Willard
3 boer kids 57 lbs 125.00 ea Willard
Nannies: 3 boer nany 148 lbs 255.00 ea Gillette
5 brwt nany 133 lbs 210.00 ea Torrington
10 boer nany 157 lbs 210.00 ea Kaycee
18 boer nany 168 lbs 190.00 ea Craig
6 mx nany 135 lbs 160.00 ea Elizabeth
Billies: 1 boer billy 215 lbs 440.00 ea Craig
1 boer billy 190 lbs 420.00 ea Wheatland
1 roan billy 215 lbs 400.00 ea Ault
1 boer billy 190 lbs 380.00 ea Bennett
1 boer billy 160 lbs 325.00 ea Kaycee
12 boer billy 105 lbs 212.50 ea Craig
19 boer billy 67 lbs 189.00 ea Craig
12 boer billy 52 lbs 187.50 ea Craig
3 dwar billy 85 lbs 140.00 ea Carr
Butchers: 4 b/w butc 304 lbs 99.00 cwt Arcadia
2 b/w butc 270 lbs 92.50 cwt Arcadia
3 wht butc 173 lbs 92.50 cwt Torrington
3 b/w butc 258 lbs 87.50 cwt Arcadia
3 b/w butc 283 lbs 87.50 cwt Arcadia
3 wht butc 230 lbs 77.50 cwt Torrington
4 wht butc 196 lbs 74.00 cwt Torrington
Horses: 1 roan geld 1165 lbs 1000.00 hd Loveland
1 tan mare 1530 lbs 1000.00 hd Meeker
1 blk mare 1490 lbs 950.00 hd Meeker
1 pal mare 1135 lbs 900.00 hd Ft Morgan
1 blk mare 1040 lbs 800.00 hd Larkspur
1 gray geld 1145 lbs 775.00 hd Potter
1 bay geld 1185 lbs 700.00 hd Meeker
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