Friday – June 24, 2022 – Slaughter, Breeder, Calves

Friday – Slaughter, Breeding & Feeder 6/24/22
COWS 1 bkwt cow 1310 lbs 101.00 cwt Meriden
1 blk cow 1035 lbs 92.00 cwt Boulder
1 blk cow 1375 lbs 91.00 cwt Encampment
1 blk cow 1290 lbs 89.50 cwt Craig
2 blk cow 1483 lbs 88.50 cwt Wellington
2 blk cow 1215 lbs 88.00 cwt Craig
1 blk cow 1250 lbs 87.50 cwt Walden
1 blk cow 1420 lbs 86.50 cwt Laramie
1 red cow 1390 lbs 86.00 cwt Walden
7 bkwf cow 1254 lbs 85.50 cwt Walden
1 blk cow 1255 lbs 85.00 cwt Encampment
10 mx cow 1391 lbs 84.50 cwt Walden
2 bkwf cow 1265 lbs 84.00 cwt Keenesburg
1 here cow 1295 lbs 83.50 cwt Hamilton
1 blk cow 1295 lbs 83.00 cwt Cheyenne
5 rdbk cow 1162 lbs 82.50 cwt Keeneburg
2 rdbk cow 1460 lbs 82.00 cwt LaSalle
1 bwf cow 1460 lbs 81.00 cwt Ault
1 char cow 1170 lbs 81.00 cwt Carpenter
3 rdbk cow 1408 lbs 78.00 cwt Keenesburg
Dairy Cows 1 swis cow 2145 lbs 88.00 cwt Erie
1 jers cow 1110 lbs 87.00 cwt Eaton
1 rdwt cow 1305 lbs 81.00 cwt Byers
1 hol cow 1205 lbs 79.00 cwt Bellvue
1 hol cow 1230 lbs 77.00 cwt Bellvue
1 jers cow 1045 lbs 75.00 cwt Eaton
1 hol cow 1470 lbs 70.00 cwt Bellvue
1 jers cow 1085 lbs 70.00 cwt Eaton
1 jers cow 790 lbs 65.00 cwt Eaton
1 jers cow 940 lbs 64.00 cwt Craig
Bulls 1 rdwt bull 2430 lbs 138.00 cwt Byers
1 blk bull 2230 lbs 127.50 cwt Arvada
1 char bull 2085 lbs 125.50 cwt Laramie
1 blk bull 2315 lbs 123.50 cwt Encampment
1 blk bull 2225 lbs 123.00 cwt Craig
1 bkwt bull 2270 lbs 118.50 cwt Byers
1 here bull 2100 lbs 116.50 cwt Hamilton
2 blk bull 1885 lbs 115.00 cwt Walden
1 red bull 1875 lbs 112.50 cwt Ault
2 blk bull 1288 lbs 107.50 cwt Arvada
2 wht bull 1763 lbs 95.00 cwt Gunnison
Heiferette’s 2 blk hfrt 1005 lbs 138.00 cwt Loveland
1 bwf hfrt 1000 lbs 129.00 cwt Walden
4 blk hfrt 1214 lbs 89.00 cwt Walden
1 blk hfrt 1050 lbs 84.50 cwt Wellington
1 red hfrt 790 lbs 80.00 cwt Boulder
12 jers hfrt 885 lbs 79.50 cwt Eaton
14 jers hfrt 822 lbs 75.00 cwt Eaton
Bred Cows 1 blk Cow org, 6mo, leg 1400.00 hd Burns
1 bwf Cow grn, 6mo, leg 1400.00 hd Meriden
1 blk Cow org, 3mo, leg 1250.00 hd Kersey
Cow/Calf Pairs 6 mx c&c grn, leg, cf wt 237 1760.00 pair Meriden
14 bkwf c&c org, leg, cf wt 229 1700.00 pair Meriden
6 blk c&c grn, leg, cf wt 257 1575.00 pair Longmont
2 blk c&c grn, non, cf wt 225 1530.00 pair Keenesburg
6 bkwf c&c yel, leg, cf wt 223 1500.00 pair Meriden
4 blk c&c pink, leg, cf wt 208 1500.00 pair Longmont
4 wf c&c org, leg, cf wt 223 1450.00 pair Meriden
2 blk c&c grn, non, cf wt 330 1400.00 pair Keenesburg
Steers 3 blk str 343 lbs 201.00 cwt Keenesburg
3 blk str 407 lbs 199.00 cwt Elizabeth
5 blk str 727 lbs 160.00 cwt Mead
10 mx str 850 lbs 151.00 cwt Longmont
1 jers str 1335 lbs 84.00 cwt Eaton
Heifers 6 mx hfr 411 lbs 162.50 cwt Keenesburg
2 char hfr 800 lbs 145.00 cwt Longmont
15 mx hfr 789 lbs 141.00 cwt Mead
7 jers hfr 855 lbs 81.00 cwt Eaton
Bull Calves 2 blk bclf 313 lbs 198.00 cwt Platteville
2 roan bclf 790 lbs 140.00 cwt Red Feather Lakes
5 lh bclf 475 lbs 102.50 cwt Windsor
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Wednesday – June 22, 2022 – Market Results

WEDNESDAY – June 22, 2022
Please check out our representative sales, not all listed: Next sale is June 29, 2022
Closed For Vacation July 3 – July 17, 2022
This Week: 1,533 Last Week: 796 Year Ago:    1,462
Lambs 6 bfsf lamb 86 lbs 245.00 cwt Lovell
12 bf lamb 86 lbs 230.00 cwt Pueblo
35 bf lamb 70 lbs 215.00 cwt Meriden
2 dorp lamb 73 lbs 215.00 cwt Albin
4 bf lamb 100 lbs 210.00 cwt Pierce
4 mix lamb 88 lbs 205.00 cwt Meriden
20 mx lamb 89 lbs 200.00 cwt Meriden
15 wf lamb 47 lbs 200.00 cwt Bushnell
15 wf lamb 62 lbs 200.00 cwt Bushnell
10 mx lamb 88 lbs 195.00 cwt Meriden
8 bf lamb 110 lbs 195.00 cwt Pierce
40 mix lamb 89 lbs 192.50 cwt Meriden
52 mix lamb 69 lbs 190.00 cwt Meriden
15 bf lamb 52 lbs 165.00 cwt Pueblo
37 mix lamb 136 lbs 134.00 cwt Worland
223 mix lamb 140 lbs 123.00 cwt Worland
10 mix lamb 225 lbs 120.00 cwt Windsor
61 mix lamb 159 lbs 115.00 cwt Worland
36 mix lamb 223 lbs 85.00 cwt Windsor
Ram lambs 10 dorp raml 85 lbs 245.00 cwt Peetz
10 dorp raml 89 lbs 240.00 cwt Peetz
24 dorp raml 101 lbs 225.00 cwt Peetz
17 dorx raml 94 lbs 220.00 cwt Eaton
36 dorp raml 58 lbs 170.00 cwt Ft Lupton
Ewe lambs 5 bf ewel 95 lbs 215.00 cwt Manville
Ewes 19 wf ewe 156 lbs 142.00 cwt Dickinson
4 bf ewe 163 lbs 115.00 cwt Pueblo
4 dorp ewe 146 lbs 115.00 cwt Lovell
3 blk ewe 92 lbs 105.00 cwt Greeley
12 wf ewe 192 lbs 97.50 cwt Dickinson
3 dorp ewe 117 lbs 85.00 cwt Milliken
4 bf ewe 190 lbs 85.00 cwt Pierce
3 bf ewe 202 lbs 82.00 cwt Craig
23 wf ewe 150 lbs 75.00 cwt Meriden
31 wf ewe 180 lbs 71.00 cwt Casper
39 wf ewe 152 lbs 66.00 cwt Cheyenne
Ram 1 dorp ram 170 lbs 155.00 cwt Craig
1 dorp ram 235 lbs 140.00 cwt Denver
1 dorp ram 160 lbs 122.50 cwt Craig
1 bf ram 210 lbs 104.00 cwt Hudson
4 wf ram 194 lbs 87.50 cwt
6 wf ram 192 lbs 81.00 cwt Dickinson
3 wf ram 215 lbs 70.00 cwt Dickinson
3 bf ram 243 lbs 70.00 cwt Craig
THIS WEEK: 684 LAST WEEK: 716 Year Ago:         884
Goats/wethers 7 mx goats 122 lbs 450.00 ea Hudson
2 rdwt goats 165 lbs 440.00 ea Loveland
1 boer goats 170 lbs 435.00 ea Lovell
3 mx goats 125 lbs 430.00 ea Lovell
2 boer goats 118 lbs 395.00 ea Waterflow
22 mx goats 123 lbs 370.00 ea Baggs
16 boex goats 95 lbs 350.00 ea Gurley
4 mx goats 94 lbs 340.00 ea Pavillion
3 pgmy goats 97 lbs 230.00 ea Hudson
4 mx goats 70 lbs 210.00 ea Belen
5 boex goats 61 lbs 190.00 ea Ft Collins
1 ang goats 130 lbs 175.00 ea Waterflow
5 bktn goats 100 lbs 145.00 ea Steamboat Sp
Kids 4 boer kids 73 lbs 225.00 ea Hudson
10 boer kids 64 lbs 192.50 ea Los Lunas
6 boer kids 56 lbs 165.00 ea Belen
5 boex kids 55 lbs 132.50 ea Craig
10 mx kids 46 lbs 102.50 ea Pavillion
10 mx kids 44 lbs 100.00 ea Pavillion
11 boer kids 30 lbs 100.00 ea Hemingford
10 mx kids 44 lbs 97.50 ea Pavillion
10 mx kids 43 lbs 95.00 ea Pavillion
10 mx kids 33 lbs 65.00 ea Pavillion
10 mx kids 35 lbs 60.00 ea Pavillion
8 pgmy kids 29 lbs 27.50 ea Belen
7 pgmy kids 19 lbs 20.00 ea Belen
Does 4 mx doe 91 lbs 310.00 ea Gurley
1 bkhd doe 112 lbs 245.00 ea Baggs
2 boer doe 145 lbs 245.00 ea Wheatland
2 boer doe 125 lbs 230.00 ea Wheatland
11 boer doe 130 lbs 225.00 ea Lovell
2 bktn doe 135 lbs 210.00 ea Hudson
16 mx doe 88 lbs 185.00 ea Pavillion
1 mx doe 90 lbs 185.00 ea Pavillion
2 sptn doe 55 lbs 150.00 ea Ft Collins
5 mx doe 79 lbs 122.50 ea Waterflow
1 tnhd doe 60 lbs 90.00 ea Ft Collins
Nannies 1 tan nany 200 lbs 300.00 ea Baggs
1 red nany 165 lbs 255.00 ea Craig
2 boer nany 145 lbs 245.00 ea Los Lunas
7 brwt nany 116 lbs 210.00 ea Kersey
10 boer nany 124 lbs 200.00 ea Waterflow
1 mx nany 89 lbs 155.00 ea Aguilar
4 brwn nany 120 lbs 155.00 ea Kersey
Billies 1 blk billy 235 lbs 520.00 ea Erie
1 boer billy 220 lbs 510.00 ea Buford
1 spot billy 200 lbs 495.00 ea Ft Lupton
3 wtbr billy 133 lbs 360.00 ea Waterflow
2 bkbr billy 160 lbs 335.00 ea Hudson
7 boex billy 126 lbs 320.00 ea Hudson
1 boer billy 100 lbs 280.00 ea Briggsdale
3 boer billy 65 lbs 195.00 ea Cheyenne
9 mx billy 68 lbs 190.00 ea Erie
5 mx billy 57 lbs 150.00 ea Livermore
Fat Pigs 3 mix butc 243 lbs 112.50 cwt Arcadia
3 bkwt butc 313 lbs 110.00 cwt Arcadia
1 hamp butc 360 lbs 107.50 cwt Arcadia
3 bkwt butc 277 lbs 100.00 cwt Arcadia
Geldings 1 palo geld broke 1,900.00 hd Loveland
1 bay geld broke 1,250.00 hd Briggsdale
Mares 1 palo mare broke 3,500.00 hd Pueblo
1 sorr mare loose 2,200.00 hd Erie
Mares/colts 2 blro m&c 1,950.00 pair Laramie
2 buck m&c 1,500.00 pair Laramie
2 dun m&c 1,400.00 pair Laramie
Donkey 1 grey donkey loose 625.00 hd Ririe
1 grey donkey loose 600.00 hd Ririe
1 grey donkey loose 500.00 hd Ririe
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Friday – June 17, 2022 – Market Results

Friday – Slaughter, Breeding & Feeder 6/17/22
COWS 1 red cow 1840 lbs 101.50 cwt Loveland
1 red cow 1285 lbs 96.00 cwt Nunn
1 blk cow 2035 lbs 95.00 cwt Johnstown
1 bbf cow 1705 lbs 93.50 cwt Bennett
1 bwf cow 1255 lbs 93.00 cwt Cowdrey
2 blk cow 1470 lbs 92.50 cwt Nunn
1 wf cow 1300 lbs 91.00 cwt Laramie
1 blk cow 1125 lbs 90.50 cwt Boulder
2 blk cow 1428 lbs 90.00 cwt Nunn
1 red cow 1250 lbs 89.50 cwt Yuma
8 blk cow 1426 lbs 89.00 cwt Yuma
7 blk cow 1526 lbs 88.50 cwt Yuma
1 blk cow 1335 lbs 88.00 cwt Lafayette
1 char cow 1055 lbs 86.00 cwt Red Feather Lakes
7 bkwf cow 1316 lbs 84.50 cwt Yuma
1 blk cow 1190 lbs 84.50 cwt Wellington
2 red cow 1168 lbs 83.00 cwt Clark
3 wf cow 1028 lbs 82.50 cwt Laramie
1 red cow 1045 lbs 78.00 cwt Bennett
Dairy Cows 1 flex cow 1770 lbs 99.00 cwt Byers
1 flex cow 1940 lbs 93.00 cwt Byers
1 hol cow 1840 lbs 90.00 cwt Byers
1 hol cow 2105 lbs 88.00 cwt Hereford
1 hol cow 1670 lbs 86.50 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1165 lbs 82.50 cwt Bellvue
2 hol cow 1378 lbs 82.00 cwt Bellvue
1 hol cow 1365 lbs 81.50 cwt Longmont
2 hol cow 1650 lbs 80.50 cwt Byers
1 jers cow 1455 lbs 78.00 cwt Johnstown
4 jers cow 1070 lbs 77.00 cwt Johnstown
2 jers cow 875 lbs 70.00 cwt Johnstown
Bulls 4 blk bull 1053 lbs 130.00 cwt Encampment
5 blk bull 905 lbs 129.00 cwt Encampment
1 blk bull 2285 lbs 120.50 cwt Johnstown
1 blk bull 1570 lbs 115.50 cwt Walden
1 blk bull 2070 lbs 115.00 cwt Ault
1 blk bull 1695 lbs 114.50 cwt Yuma
1 bkwt bull 1385 lbs 113.50 cwt Brighton
1 blk bull 1540 lbs 110.50 cwt Ft Collins
1 blk bull 1830 lbs 108.50 cwt Virginia Dale
1 blk bull 1700 lbs 107.50 cwt Ft Collins
Heiferette’s 5 bkwf hfrt 857 lbs 136.00 cwt Clark
4 blk hfrt 936 lbs 135.00 cwt LaPorte
1 bkwt hfrt 845 lbs 124.00 cwt Clark
4 blk hfrt 1086 lbs 119.00 cwt Walden
1 bwf hfrt 930 lbs 113.00 cwt Greeley
1 hol hfrt 1495 lbs 102.00 cwt Longmont
Breeding Bulls 1 red bull 1107 lbs 1400.00 hd Nunn
1 blk bull 1050 lbs 1325.00 hd Encampment
1 blk bull 1052 lbs 1275.00 hd Encampment
1 red bull 1108 lbs 1200.00 hd Nunn
Bred Cows 1 blk cow grn, leg, 7 mo 1500.00 hd Hereford
1 blk cow pink, leg, 7 mo 1270.00 hd Hereford
1 blk cow grn, leg, 4 mo 1260.00 hd Boulder
Cow/Calf Pairs 12 blk c&c org,yel,leg, cf wt 407 1675.00 pair LaPorte
6 blk c&c blu,pin,leg cf wt 328 1600.00 pair LaPorte
8 blk c&c blu,pin,leg cf wt 200 1550.00 pair LaPorte
4 blk c&c pnk,grn,leg, cf wt 170 1460.00 pair Briggsdale
2 blk c&c grn, leg, cf wt 155 1420.00 pair LaPorte
12 blk c&c grn,org,leg, cf wt 175 1400.00 pair Ault
Steers 2 blk str 308 lbs 214.00 cwt LaPorte
3 bkrn str 503 lbs 188.00 cwt Wellington
6 blk str 619 lbs 180.00 cwt Ft Lupton
8 blk str 618 lbs 174.00 cwt LaPorte
3 bkwf str 573 lbs 170.00 cwt Greeley
5 roan str 688 lbs 170.00 cwt Hudson
4 bkrd str 1043 lbs 90.00 cwt Colby
3 corr str 745 lbs 67.50 cwt Cheyenne
Heifers 3 blk hfr 412 lbs 175.00 cwt Ft Collins
3 blk hfr 585 lbs 161.00 cwt Ft Lupton
2 blk hfr 418 lbs 157.50 cwt Greeley
6 blk hfr 598 lbs 152.00 cwt Ft Lupton
6 wf hfr 645 lbs 150.00 cwt Laramie
5 blk hfr 506 lbs 140.00 cwt Greeley
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Wednesday – June 15, 2022 – Market Results

WEDNESDAY – June 15, 2022
Please check out our representative sales, not all listed: Next sale is June 22, 2022
This Week: 796 Last Week: 1,327 Year Ago:         946
Lambs 4 dorp lamb 50 lbs 255.00 cwt Carpenter
1 bf lamb 105 lbs 250.00 cwt Wheatland
4 dorp lamb 85 lbs 235.00 cwt Belen
14 bf lamb 73 lbs 230.00 cwt Ft Collins
3 bfwf lamb 95 lbs 225.00 cwt Torrington
8 bf lamb 66 lbs 225.00 cwt Idaho Falls
20 bkbf lamb 73 lbs 222.50 cwt LaGrange
11 bfsf lamb 60 lbs 220.00 cwt Idaho Falls
14 bf lamb 66 lbs 220.00 cwt Idaho Falls
25 wfsf lamb 76 lbs 217.50 cwt Carr
11 bf lamb 71 lbs 217.50 cwt Walden
35 wfbf lamb 87 lbs 215.00 cwt Cheyenne
25 mx lamb 68 lbs 210.00 cwt Montrose
50 wf lamb 41 lbs 210.00 cwt Ft Morgan
39 wf lamb 33 lbs 210.00 cwt Ft Morgan
22 mx lamb 84 lbs 210.00 cwt Crook
23 mx lamb 87 lbs 205.00 cwt Montrose
18 mx lamb 99 lbs 205.00 cwt Crook
10 bf lamb 155 lbs 200.00 cwt Torrington
42 wf lamb 55 lbs 190.00 cwt Ft Morgan
10 bfwf lamb 120 lbs 170.00 cwt Longmont
50 mix lamb 204 lbs 110.00 cwt Windsor
10 mx lamb 226 lbs 107.50 cwt Windsor
19 mx lamb 236 lbs 100.00 cwt Windsor
Ewe Lambs 1 bf ewel 130 lbs 180.00 cwt Ft Collins
Ram lambs 4 dorp raml 91 lbs 245.00 cwt Douglas
1 wf raml 105 lbs 175.00 cwt Waterflow
Ewe/lambs 2 dorp E&L 140.00 hd Belen
Ewes 1 bf ewe 165 lbs 145.00 cwt Gill
1 wf ewe 155 lbs 137.50 cwt Ft Collins
7 bkbf ewe 148 lbs 122.50 cwt Ft Collins
2 bf ewe 208 lbs 120.00 cwt Firth
7 bf ewe 201 lbs 120.00 cwt Wellington
2 bf ewe 228 lbs 115.00 cwt Craig
2 bf ewe 145 lbs 110.00 cwt Idaho Falls
2 wf ewe 178 lbs 110.00 cwt Gill
12 bf ewe 216 lbs 110.00 cwt Wellington
11 bf ewe 186 lbs 105.00 cwt Torrington
4 bf ewe 244 lbs 95.00 cwt Pueblo
2 bf ewe 140 lbs 85.00 cwt Idaho Falls
5 bf ewe 191 lbs 85.00 cwt Walden
4 bfsf ewe 211 lbs 80.00 cwt Craig
4 bf ewe 176 lbs 75.00 cwt LaGrange
Ram 1 wf ram 110 lbs 200.00 cwt Kirtland
3 wht ram 140 lbs 175.00 cwt Craig
1 dorp ram 150 lbs 165.00 cwt Kirtland
1 dorp ram 175 lbs 135.00 cwt Douglas
1 dorp ram 190 lbs 110.00 cwt Greeley
1 wf ram 205 lbs 90.00 cwt Longmont
1 wf ram 255 lbs 80.00 cwt Longmont
THIS WEEK: 716 LAST WEEK: 591 Year Ago:         489
Goats/wethers 1 boer goat 130 lbs 440.00 ea Pueblo
4 boex goat 116 lbs 420.00 ea Hudson
22 boex goat 106 lbs 390.00 ea Ft Collins
17 mx goat 95 lbs 370.00 ea Mitchell
17 boer goat 95 lbs 365.00 ea Hayden
11 boer goat 89 lbs 335.00 ea Pueblo
6 boex goat 82 lbs 305.00 ea Greeley
8 brwt goat 76 lbs 250.00 ea Waterflow
16 boer goat 61 lbs 220.00 ea Hay Springs
4 mx goat 76 lbs 215.00 ea Waterflow
1 red goat 60 lbs 180.00 ea Kirtland
17 ango goat 86 lbs 67.50 ea Waterflow
Kids 7 boer kids 95 lbs 345.00 ea Briggsdale
5 boer kids 67 lbs 245.00 ea Briggsdale
4 spot kids 42 lbs 230.00 ea Greeley
9 boer kids 59 lbs 225.00 ea Greeley
10 boer kids 33 lbs 170.00 ea Greeley
15 mx kids 44 lbs 160.00 ea Waterflow
10 boex kids 23 lbs 160.00 ea Greeley
11 mx kids 59 lbs 150.00 ea Waterflow
10 boex kids 52 lbs 145.00 ea Harrisburg
3 pgmy kids 38 lbs 80.00 ea Brighton
10 ango kids 36 lbs 30.00 ea Waterflow
Does 17 boer does 83 lbs 280.00 ea Hayden
5 boer does 74 lbs 270.00 ea Pueblo
4 tan does 74 lbs 245.00 ea Kersey
1 brn does 65 lbs 230.00 ea Greeley
20 boer does 61 lbs 210.00 ea Hudson
10 wttn does 54 lbs 165.00 ea Canon Cty
Nannies 6 boer nany 150 lbs 305.00 ea Pueblo
2 boer nany 173 lbs 295.00 ea Briggsdale
2 boer nany 145 lbs 285.00 ea Briggsdale
1 brn nany 155 lbs 260.00 ea Kirtland
4 boer nany 124 lbs 255.00 ea Arvada
8 boer nany 150 lbs 225.00 ea Hudson
6 boer nany 126 lbs 210.00 ea Albuquerque
4 boex nany 134 lbs 207.50 ea Loveland
7 mx nany 138 lbs 205.00 ea Kersey
2 blk nany 225 lbs 205.00 ea Canon City
4 boer nany 123 lbs 195.00 ea Hudson
1 whit nany 140 lbs 190.00 ea Kirtland
4 boer nany 113 lbs 190.00 ea Waterflow
3 boer nany 110 lbs 185.00 ea Burns
2 saan nany 118 lbs 155.00 ea Ft Collins
2 boer nany 90 lbs 145.00 ea Harrisburg
6 mx nany 115 lbs 145.00 ea Waterflow
4 brwt nany 106 lbs 110.00 ea Harrisburg
5 pgmy nany 70 lbs 100.00 ea Waterflow
4 pgmy nany 66 lbs 85.00 ea Hudson
Billies 1 brn billy 215 lbs 505.00 ea Carpenter
1 nubi billy 225 lbs 485.00 ea Berthoud
2 boer billy 195 lbs 455.00 ea Hayden
2 bkwt billy 188 lbs 350.00 ea Torrington
3 boer billy 93 lbs 320.00 ea Hayden
3 bkwt billy 103 lbs 295.00 ea Hudson
16 boex billy 78 lbs 275.00 ea Hudson
1 tri billy 160 lbs 270.00 ea Hudson
2 brwt billy 108 lbs 270.00 ea Waterflow
12 boer billy 46 lbs 197.50 ea Alliance
17 boer billy 54 lbs 190.00 ea Burns
3 mx billy 62 lbs 165.00 ea Waterflow
16 tnwt billy 55 lbs 115.00 ea Canon City
Nanny/Kid 3 boer n&k 1 n/2 kids 490.00 fam LaPorte
3 boer n&k 1 n/2 kids 280.00 fam Wellington
Yak 1 yak bull 975 lbs 1,250.00 hd Berthoud
2 yak bull 835 lbs 1,180.00 hd Berthoud
1 yak bull 486 lbs 690.00 hd Berthoud
Calves 5 blk bclf 193 lbs 300.00 hd Greeley
2 blk sclf 308 lbs 480.00 hd Grover
2 bwf sclf 108 lbs 250.00 hd Baggs
1 blk sclf 490 lbs 225.00 hd Wellington
1 brn hclf 330 lbs 425.00 hd Carr
3 rdbk hclf 285 lbs 360.00 hd Grover
2 bkbw hclf 158 lbs 350.00 hd Greeley
4 bkbw hclf 158 lbs 250.00 hd Greeley
1 blk hclf 95 lbs 200.00 hd LaSalle
1 bwf hclf 380 lbs 200.00 hd Wellington
1 blk hclf 405 lbs 200.00 hd Greeley
Pigs 1 hamp pig 180 lbs 115.00 cwt Ault
1 belt pig 150 lbs 160.00 hd Ault
Fat Pigs 1 red butc 180 lbs 127.50 cwt Russell
1 hamp butc 240 lbs 120.00 cwt Ft Lupton
2 berk butc 195 lbs 115.00 cwt Brighton
3 hamp butc 293 lbs 105.00 cwt Arcadia
2 spot butc 263 lbs 102.50 cwt Russell
3 mx butc 285 lbs 100.00 cwt Arcadia
2 spot butc 345 lbs 92.00 cwt Arcadia
2 wtbr butc 338 lbs 90.00 cwt Arcadia
Sows 1 blk sow 310 lbs 69.00 cwt Bennett
2 rdwt sow 403 lbs 53.00 cwt Bennett
1 blk sow 315 lbs 46.00 cwt Burns
Sows/exposed 1 red sow 395 lbs 420.00 hd Bennett
2 hamp sow 358 lbs 350.00 hd Bennett
Boars 1 red boar 280 lbs 50.00 cwt Burns
1 blk boar 335 lbs 29.00 cwt Burns
Mares 1 bay mare 920 lbs 600.00 hd Loveland
Geldings 1 palo geld 990 lbs 1,600.00 hd Colorado Sp
1 grey geld 1,110 lbs 600.00 hd Lyman
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Friday – June 10, 2022 – Slaughter, Pairs & Feeders

Friday – Slaughter, Breeding & Feeder 6/10/22
COWS 1 bwf cow 1110 lbs 97.00 cwt Ft Lupton
1 bwf cow 1065 lbs 95.00 cwt Elk Mountain
1 blk cow 1770 lbs 90.50 cwt Briggsdale
1 blk cow 1410 lbs 88.00 cwt Briggsdale
1 blk cow 2300 lbs 87.50 cwt Longmont
1 blk cow 1465 lbs 87.50 cwt Livermore
1 blk cow 1405 lbs 87.00 cwt Savery
1 char cow 1235 lbs 87.00 cwt Livermore
4 blk cow 1400 lbs 85.50 cwt Encampment
1 red cow 1285 lbs 85.50 cwt Ft Collins
1 blk cow 1330 lbs 85.50 cwt Wiggins
4 blk cow 1338 lbs 85.50 cwt Coalmont
3 blk cow 1322 lbs 85.00 cwt Encampment
7 bkwf cow 1096 lbs 85.00 cwt Coalmont
10 blk cow 1269 lbs 84.00 cwt Coalmont
5 bkwf cow 1115 lbs 82.50 cwt Coalmont
4 blk cow 1250 lbs 82.00 cwt Greeley
6 bkwf cow 1298 lbs 81.50 cwt Coalmont
2 blk cow 1228 lbs 79.50 cwt Kremmling
Dairy Cows 1 grwt cow 1820 lbs 93.00 cwt Byers
1 rdwt cow 1515 lbs 87.00 cwt Byers
1 hol cow 1630 lbs 86.00 cwt Erie
1 hol cow 1805 lbs 81.50 cwt Erie
1 jers cow 1550 lbs 80.00 cwt Windsor
12 jers cow 1146 lbs 78.50 cwt Eaton
2 hol cow 1625 lbs 78.50 cwt Wellington
3 hol cow 1535 lbs 76.50 cwt Eaton
1 grwt cow 1230 lbs 76.50 cwt Byers
2 hol cow 1655 lbs 74.50 cwt Bellvue
3 hol cow 1520 lbs 74.00 cwt Erie
2 hol cow 1490 lbs 73.50 cwt Bellvue
14 jers cow 966 lbs 71.50 cwt Eaton
Bulls 1 blk bull 2390 lbs 119.00 cwt Wellington
1 blk bull 2050 lbs 116.50 cwt Yampa
1 char bull 1845 lbs 116.00 cwt Baggs
1 blk bull 2005 lbs 115.00 cwt Baggs
1 red bull 2060 lbs 114.00 cwt Carpenter
1 red bull 1830 lbs 112.00 cwt Cheyenne
1 char bull 1635 lbs 109.50 cwt Baggs
1 blk bull 1935 lbs 105.50 cwt Longmont
1 blk bull 1600 lbs 104.00 cwt Briggsdale
2 blk bull 1415 lbs 103.00 cwt McCoy
Heiferette’s 2 blk hfrt 758 lbs 125.00 cwt Coalmont
1 blk hfrt 770 lbs 122.00 cwt Elkhart Lake
1 blk hfrt 1030 lbs 117.00 cwt Briggsdale
1 blk hfrt 880 lbs 113.00 cwt LaPorte
1 blk hfrt 1025 lbs 112.00 cwt Coalmont
4 blk hfrt 1150 lbs 110.00 cwt Ft Collins
1 bwf hfrt 625 lbs 108.00 cwt Carr
1 blk hfrt 945 lbs 106.00 cwt Ft Collins
11 hol hfrt 1085 lbs 106.00 cwt Gill
10 hol hfrt 1125 lbs 105.00 cwt Coopersville
8 hol hfrt 1069 lbs 104.00 cwt Dyersville
1 hol hfrt 1215 lbs 100.00 cwt Erie
5 blk hfrt 784 lbs 79.00 cwt Laramie
6 jers hfrt 825 lbs 74.50 cwt Humboldt
Cow/Calf Pairs 14 mx c&c yel,org,nn,cf wt 208 1450.00 pair Hudson
2 blk c&c grn, nn, cf wt 100 1235.00 pair Kremmling
2 wf c&c grn, leg, cf wt 135 1200.00 pair Yampa
Steers 11 blk str 471 lbs 207.00 cwt Broomfield
4 blk str 348 lbs 194.00 cwt Broomfield
3 blk str 363 lbs 191.00 cwt Ault
5 blk str 596 lbs 178.00 cwt Ault
2 blk str 533 lbs 176.00 cwt Lagrange
4 rdch str 803 lbs 152.00 cwt Cheyenne
Heifers 26 blk hfr 443 lbs 179.00 cwt Broomfield
4 bkrd hfr 423 lbs 178.00 cwt Ault
10 bkrd hfr 433 lbs 170.00 cwt Brighton
4 blk hfr 528 lbs 161.00 cwt Lagrange
10 blk hfr 601 lbs 158.00 cwt Brighton
1 red hfr 470 lbs 151.00 cwt Cheyenne
12 rdwf hfr 665 lbs 134.00 cwt Wellington
Bull Calves 10 bkrd bclf 484 lbs 174.00 cwt Brighton
14 blk bclf 620 lbs 173.50 cwt Brighton
1 blk bclf 635 lbs 153.00 cwt Hudson
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Wednesday – June 8, 2022 – Hogs, Sheep, Goats, Horses

WEDNESDAY – June 8, 2022
Please check out our representative sales, not all listed: Next sale is June 15, 2022
This Week: 1,327 Last Week: 672 Year Ago:    1,249
Lambs 3 bf lamb 92 lbs 295.00 cwt Casper
6 bf lamb 93 lbs 272.50 cwt Lyman
6 wfsf lamb 93 lbs 260.00 cwt Henry
12 dorp lamb 50 lbs 235.00 cwt Wellington
8 bf lamb 103 lbs 235.00 cwt Carpenter
7 bkbf lamb 106 lbs 235.00 cwt Estancia
8 bf lamb 38 lbs 235.00 cwt Pueblo
2 dorp lamb 68 lbs 232.50 cwt Colorado Cty
6 dorp lamb 78 lbs 230.00 cwt Ft Collins
17 dorp lamb 84 lbs 230.00 cwt Bayard
5 bf lamb 89 lbs 227.50 cwt Pueblo
10 bf lamb 56 lbs 227.50 cwt Baggs
4 bf lamb 73 lbs 225.00 cwt Carpenter
6 wht lamb 83 lbs 225.00 cwt Ft Collins
11 bf lamb 92 lbs 225.00 cwt Craig
5 bf lamb 99 lbs 225.00 cwt Ft Collins
12 dorp lamb 54 lbs 220.00 cwt Brush
26 bkbf lamb 75 lbs 220.00 cwt Estancia
24 bf lamb 67 lbs 220.00 cwt Pueblo
19 bfsf lamb 78 lbs 215.00 cwt Sterling
17 wfbf lamb 73 lbs 212.50 cwt Afton
20 mix lamb 85 lbs 212.50 cwt Pavillion
23 bfsf lamb 70 lbs 210.00 cwt LaJunta
32 dorp lamb 53 lbs 210.00 cwt Ft Lupton
21 bfsf lamb 97 lbs 207.50 cwt Sterling
58 wf lamb 42 lbs 200.00 cwt Ft Morgan
91 wfbf lamb 54 lbs 200.00 cwt Ft Morgan
90 wfsf lamb 53 lbs 200.00 cwt Ft Morgan
39 bfsf lamb 90 lbs 197.50 cwt LaJunta
Ewe Lambs 6 dorp ewel 56 lbs 290.00 cwt Rye
6 dorp ewel 64 lbs 250.00 cwt Rye
12 dorp ewel 82 lbs 225.00 cwt Bayard
16 bf ewel 98 lbs 220.00 cwt Buffalo
Ram lambs 6 wfsf raml 76 lbs 252.50 cwt Denver
5 dorp raml 70 lbs 250.00 cwt Rye
4 bf raml 94 lbs 245.00 cwt Eaton
4 bf raml 75 lbs 240.00 cwt Hudson
9 dorp raml 61 lbs 230.00 cwt Rye
Ewes 3 bf ewe 257 lbs 107.50 cwt Big Piney
2 bf ewe 260 lbs 100.00 cwt Russell
7 wf ewe 164 lbs 93.00 cwt Ft Collins
5 dorp ewe 161 lbs 92.50 cwt Hudson
4 bf ewe 201 lbs 87.50 cwt Casper
3 bf ewe 163 lbs 82.50 cwt Big Piney
6 wfbf ewe 189 lbs 72.50 cwt Afton
10 bf ewe 200 lbs 70.00 cwt LaJunta
16 wf ewe 166 lbs 65.00 cwt Douglas
21 wf ewe 200 lbs 62.50 cwt Douglas
14 wf ewe 181 lbs 58.00 cwt Fruita
30 wf ewe 168 lbs 57.00 cwt Douglas
16 wf ewe 181 lbs 55.00 cwt Ft Morgan
12 wf ewe 155 lbs 50.00 cwt Ft Morgan
4 bfwf ewe 153 lbs 35.00 cwt Fruita
Ram 1 bf ram 260 lbs 117.50 cwt Pueblo
1 bf ram 270 lbs 110.00 cwt Russell
1 dorp ram 230 lbs 102.50 cwt Strasburg
1 bf ram 325 lbs 85.00 cwt Shiprock
1 bkwt ram 110 lbs 80.00 cwt Shiprock
1 spec ram 200 lbs 77.50 cwt Shiprock
1 bf ram 230 lbs 50.00 cwt Buffalo
1 wf ram 210 lbs 35.00 cwt Gillette
THIS WEEK: 591 LAST WEEK: 606 Year Ago:         396
Goats/wethers 5 mx goat 161 lbs 410.00 ea Kirtland
9 boex goat 131 lbs 405.00 ea Kirtland
2 mx goat 161 lbs 380.00 ea Kirtland
17 boer goat 102 lbs 355.00 ea Gurley
7 boer goat 89 lbs 335.00 ea Ft Collins
5 brwt goat 99 lbs 315.00 ea Kirtland
2 brwt goat 108 lbs 275.00 ea Eaton
11 boer goat 53 lbs 205.00 ea Lafayette
3 blk goat 66 lbs 175.00 ea Wellington
Kids 2 boer kids 68 lbs 260.00 ea Roggin
10 boer kids 63 lbs 245.00 ea Kirtland
30 boer kids 53 lbs 195.00 ea Powell
6 boer kids 50 lbs 190.00 ea Torrington
4 boer kids 49 lbs 155.00 ea Windsor
9 boer kids 44 lbs 142.50 ea Powell
4 boex kids 43 lbs 130.00 ea Kirtland
26 boer kids 35 lbs 127.50 ea Powell
6 boer kids 38 lbs 127.50 ea LaSalle
3 boer kids 38 lbs 115.00 ea Bellvue
3 boer kids 38 lbs 105.00 ea Ft Collins
5 bkwt kids 54 lbs 100.00 ea Morrill
3 boer kids 23 lbs 100.00 ea Boone
9 boer kids 29 lbs 97.50 ea Torrington
4 brbk kids 36 lbs 77.50 ea Denver
10 brbk kids 47 lbs 70.00 ea Russell
Does 1 rdhd does 91 lbs 315.00 ea Gurley
2 boer does 90 lbs 290.00 ea Kirtland
2 brwn does 92 lbs 280.00 ea Gurley
2 boer does 78 lbs 270.00 ea Carr
2 boer does 60 lbs 215.00 ea Alliance
2 boer does 50 lbs 187.50 ea Lakeside
2 brn does 63 lbs 185.00 ea Alliance
4 tnwt does 84 lbs 180.00 ea Erie
3 boer does 52 lbs 175.00 ea Lafayette
9 brwt does 74 lbs 170.00 ea Boone
2 pgmy does 83 lbs 80.00 ea Livermore
2 wtta does 80 lbs 75.00 ea Shiprock
3 lama does 70 lbs 70.00 ea Carpenter
1 pgmy does 45 lbs 37.50 ea Ft Collins
Nannies 10 boer nany 157 lbs 320.00 ea Kirtland
3 boer nany 175 lbs 320.00 ea Roggin
2 boer nany 163 lbs 285.00 ea Lakeside
2 boer nany 140 lbs 280.00 ea Salem
3 boer nany 155 lbs 270.00 ea Briggsdale
2 mx nany 115 lbs 225.00 ea Kirtland
5 booer nany 134 lbs 225.00 ea Westcliffe
4 mx nany 115 lbs 200.00 ea Kirtland
2 boer nany 120 lbs 195.00 ea Craig
5 mx nany 109 lbs 145.00 ea Pueblo
5 mx nany 92 lbs 120.00 ea Eaton
2 ango nany 98 lbs 55.00 ea Erie
7 pgmy nany 58 lbs 32.50 ea Yoder
Billies 1 belt billy 140 lbs 355.00 ea Cheyenne
2 bogr billy 163 lbs 350.00 ea Rye
1 boer billy 95 lbs 312.50 ea Ft Collins
1 dpl billy 105 lbs 300.00 ea Alliance
2 boer billy 120 lbs 285.00 ea Boone
1 dapl billy 75 lbs 265.00 ea Fruita
1 boex billy 160 lbs 255.00 ea Strasburg
1 blk billy 130 lbs 245.00 ea Wellington
1 togg billy 95 lbs 215.00 ea Rockyford
1 boer billy 50 lbs 195.00 ea LaSalle
4 togg billy 55 lbs 150.00 ea Brighton
2 wtbo billy 45 lbs 135.00 ea LaSalle
1 pgmy billy 70 lbs 75.00 ea Yoder
Nanny/Kid 4 boer n&k 2 nan/4 kids 335.00 fam Hay Springs
2 boer n&k 1 nan/ 1 kid 310.00 fam Hay Springs
2 boer n&k 1 nan/ 1 kid 270.00 fam Westcliffe
14 boer n&k 7 nan/ 13 kids 250.00 fam Hay Springs
2 boer n&k 1nan/1 kid 240.00 fam Hay Springs
2 boer n&k 1nan/1 kid 160.00 fam Denver
2 boer n&k 1nan/1 kid 155.00 fam Denver
3 boer n&k 1 nan/ 2 kids 435.00 fam Hay Springs
Fat Pigs 2 blk butc 195 lbs 87.50 cwt Kersey
3 rwbw butc 292 lbs 82.50 cwt Arcadia
3 rdwt butc 288 lbs 82.50 cwt Arcadia
2 blk butc 213 lbs 70.00 cwt Kersey
2 hamp butc 270 lbs 62.50 cwt Ft Collins
3 hamp butc 293 lbs 60.00 cwt Lisco
2 mx butc 340 lbs 57.50 cwt Arcadia
2 hamp butc 308 lbs 57.50 cwt Ft Collins
3 spot butc 370 lbs 52.50 cwt Arcadia
Sows 3 spot sow 452 lbs 35.00 cwt Eaton
1 wht sow 520 lbs 35.00 cwt Eaton
2 rdwt sow 328 lbs 32.00 cwt Briggsdale
1 b/w sow 335 lbs 25.00 cwt Kersey
Boars 2 wht boar 240 lbs 6.00 cwt Fredrick
1 wht boar 410 lbs 2.00 cwt Johnstown
1 red boar 360 lbs 2.00 cwt Briggsdale
1 rdwt boar 550 lbs 2.00 cwt Briggsdale
Stud 1 bay stud 925 lbs 800.00 hd Carr
Mares 1 sorr mare 1220 lbs 1,825.00 hd Ft Collins
Geldings 1 sorr geld 735 lbs 1,825.00 hd Strasburg
1 grey geld 1,195 lbs 1,800.00 hd Granite Canyon
1 grey geld 985 lbs 1,025.00 hd Bethune
1 sorr geld 1,050 lbs 950.00 hd Kersey
1 blk geld 1,025 lbs 770.00 hd Bethune
1 palo geld 990 lbs 750.00 hd Larkspur
1 roan geld 1,140 lbs 675.00 hd Bethune
1 sorr geld 1,015 lbs 600.00 hd Bethune
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Monday – June 6, 2022 – Holstein/Holstein x steers & heifers

Holstein/Holstein Cross steers & heifers market report June 6, 2022
The next sale will be Monday, June 27, 2022
This Sale: 1757 Month Ago: 1202 Year ago: 1533
Steers 15 bkx strs 365 lbs 211.00 cwt Eaton
13 blkx strs 426 lbs 209.00 cwt Brighton
101 bkx strs 439 lbs 202.50 cwt Greeley
18 flex strs 398 lbs 200.00 cwt Byers
18 blkx strs 334 lbs 199.00 cwt Weldona
12 flex str 456 lbs 195.00 cwt Byers
4 bkx strs 521 lbs 185.00 cwt Brighton
12 blkx str 511 lbs 180.00 cwt Delta
6 bkx strs 448 lbs 175.00 cwt Pierce
15 bkx strs 501 lbs 162.50 cwt Eaton
13 blkx strs 557 lbs 160.00 cwt Eaton
11 bkx strs 645 lbs 148.00 cwt Delta
5 blkx strs 624 lbs 147.50 cwt Wellington
57 blkx strs 679 lbs 139.00 cwt Ft Lupton
78 hol strs 292 lbs 138.00 cwt Weldona
16 hol strs 205 lbs 137.50 cwt Longmont
25 hol strs 287 lbs 136.00 cwt LaSalle
32 hol strs 350 lbs 131.00 cwt Ft Collins
23 hol strs 263 lbs 131.00 cwt Greeley
21 hol strs 260 lbs 126.00 cwt Longmont
10 hol strs 317 lbs 126.00 cwt Greeley
20 hol strs 363 lbs 126.00 cwt Burlington
31 hol strs 346 lbs 126.00 cwt Ft Lupton
6 hol strs 423 lbs 123.00 cwt Kersey
21 hol strs 371 lbs 122.00 cwt Kersey
14 hol strs 434 lbs 121.00 cwt Eaton
12 hol strs 386 lbs 121.00 cwt Erie
4 blkx strs 743 lbs 120.00 cwt Cheyenne
17 hol strs 400 lbs 119.00 cwt Erie
24 hol strs 420 lbs 115.00 cwt Burlington
25 hol strs 561 lbs 115.00 cwt Milliken
7 guer strs 521 lbs 115.00 cwt Kersey
11 bbw strs 1155 lbs 115.00 cwt Eaton
37 hol strs 422 lbs 114.00 cwt Kersey
45 hol strs 515 lbs 114.00 cwt Gill
30 hol strs 431 lbs 113.00 cwt Ft Collins
21 hol strs 437 lbs 112.00 cwt Wray
29 hol strs 609 lbs 111.50 cwt Gill
16 hol strs 491 lbs 111.00 cwt Milliken
48 hol strs 427 lbs 110.00 cwt Kersey
11 hol strs 640 lbs 106.00 cwt Spanish Fork
4 hol strs 600 lbs 102.00 cwt Grover
15 hol strs 797 lbs 100.00 cwt Greeley
31 hol strs 770 lbs 95.00 cwt Spanish Fork
4 hol strs 813 lbs 91.00 cwt Wellington
Heifers 4 bkx hfrs 394 lbs 182.50 cwt Brighton
14 bkx hfrs 343 lbs 167.00 cwt Weldona
29 bkx hfrs 432 lbs 161.00 cwt Greeley
34 bkx hfrs 573 lbs 150.00 cwt Eaton
27 bkx hfrs 488 lbs 149.50 cwt Ft Lupton
5 bkch hfrs 605 lbs 142.00 cwt Wellington
14 blk hfrs 633 lbs 141.00 cwt Delta
9 bbwf hfrs 308 lbs 137.50 cwt Amarillo
4 bkx hfrs 384 lbs 137.50 cwt Ft Lupton
69 bkx hfrs 832 lbs 129.50 cwt Ft Lupton
12 hol hfrs 337 lbs 129.00 cwt LaJunta
7 hol hfrs 256 lbs 115.00 cwt LaJunta
4 blkx hfrs 421 lbs 110.00 cwt Pierce
18 hol hfrs 454 lbs 100.00 cwt Wray
6 hol hfrs 640 lbs 98.00 cwt Spanish Fork
4 hol hfrs 839 lbs 93.00 cwt Spanish Fork
9 hol hfrs 959 lbs 93.00 cwt Ft Lupton
1 hol hfrs 860 lbs 93.00 cwt Humboldt
1 hol hfrs 910 lbs 92.00 cwt Visalia
6 hol hfrs 987 lbs 91.00 cwt Dyersville
2 hol hfrs 785 lbs 90.00 cwt Cedar Rapids
3 blkx hfrs 555 lbs 85.00 cwt Greeley
6 jers hfrs 840 lbs 67.50 cwt Delta
Heiferette’s 4 blkx hfrs 1048 lbs 107.50 cwt Ft Lupton
19 hol hfrs 1150 lbs 95.00 cwt Dyersville
1 blkx hfrs 1330 lbs 90.00 cwt Ft Lupton
4 hol hfrs 1275 lbs 80.00 cwt Dyersville
Bull Calves 2 hol bclf 268 lbs 122.50 cwt Longmont
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Friday – June 3, 2022 – Slaughter, Breeding & Feeder Calves

Friday – Slaughter, Breeding & Feeder 6/3/22
COWS 2 bkwf cow 1093 lbs 99.00 cwt Hygiene
1 blk cow 1540 lbs 85.00 cwt Ft Collins
1 rwf cow 1475 lbs 84.00 cwt Walden
1 rwf cow 1440 lbs 83.50 cwt Carr
1 red cow 995 lbs 82.00 cwt Boulder
1 blk cow 1415 lbs 81.50 cwt Kimball
3 rwf cow 1143 lbs 81.50 cwt Walden
5 blk cow 1328 lbs 80.00 cwt Boulder
3 rwf cow 1237 lbs 79.50 cwt Walden
10 wf cow 1273 lbs 79.00 cwt Walden
2 wf cow 1215 lbs 78.50 cwt Hygiene
1 blk cow 850 lbs 78.50 cwt Ault
5 bkwf cow 1114 lbs 78.00 cwt Walden
1 red cow 1280 lbs 78.00 cwt Loveland
2 bwf cow 1370 lbs 76.00 cwt Ft Collins
1 red cow 1350 lbs 75.50 cwt Carr
2 bwf cow 1240 lbs 75.00 cwt Hygiene
1 wtpk cow 1270 lbs 74.50 cwt Ft Collins
2 wf cow 1165 lbs 74.50 cwt Jelm
Dairy Cows 1 hol cow 2015 lbs 85.00 cwt Longmont
1 hol cow 1725 lbs 85.00 cwt Wellington
1 hol cow 1710 lbs 84.50 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 1425 lbs 84.00 cwt Wellington
1 hol cow 1990 lbs 83.50 cwt Eaton
1 hol cow 1650 lbs 82.50 cwt Wellington
3 hol cow 1433 lbs 80.50 cwt Milliken
2 hol cow 1803 lbs 80.00 cwt Eaton
1 hol cow 1740 lbs 79.00 cwt Bellvue
2 hol cow 1660 lbs 78.00 cwt Ault
1 hol cow 1615 lbs 76.00 cwt Ault
2 hol cow 1550 lbs 75.00 cwt Milliken
1 hol cow 1335 lbs 74.50 cwt Eaton
Bulls 1 blk bull 1985 lbs 115.00 cwt Toponas
1 red bull 1915 lbs 112.00 cwt Nunn
2 bkwf bull 1888 lbs 110.50 cwt Kremmling
2 blk bull 1873 lbs 110.50 cwt Ft Collins
1 here bull 2125 lbs 110.50 cwt Walden
1 char bull 1890 lbs 109.50 cwt Carr
2 blk bull 1748 lbs 109.50 cwt Walden
1 red bull 2500 lbs 108.50 cwt Berthoud
1 blk bull 2390 lbs 106.50 cwt Steamboat Sp
1 blk bull 1885 lbs 104.50 cwt Laramie
Heiferette’s 3 blk hfrt 943 lbs 126.50 cwt Carr
2 blk hfrt 910 lbs 119.00 cwt Laramie
2 blk hfrt 900 lbs 115.00 cwt Laramie
7 rwf hfrt 1084 lbs 111.00 cwt Walden
2 hol hfrt 1083 lbs 99.00 cwt Highland
2 hol hfrt 1095 lbs 98.50 cwt Ft Collins
2 hol hfrt 1075 lbs 97.00 cwt Wellington
2 hol hfrt 1415 lbs 95.00 cwt Ft Collins
3 hol hfrt 740 lbs 94.00 cwt Highland
2 hol hfrt 1120 lbs 92.00 cwt Colfax
Bred Cows 1 red cow yel, leg, 4-5 mo 1415.00 hd Castle Rock
2 red cow grn, leg, 4-5 mo 1090.00 hd Castle Rock
1 blk cow grn, non, 6 mo 910.00 hd Laramie
Cow/Calf Pairs 2 blk c&c grn, non, cf wt 215 1600.00 pair Bailey
2 blk c&c blue,non, cf wt 180 1530.00 pair Longmont
2 blk c&c org, leg, cf wt 275 1470.00 pair Eaton
2 bkch c&c blue,leg, cf wt 230 1325.00 pair Eaton
2 blk c&c org, non, cf wt 135 1300.00 pair Wellington
Steers 3 bkrd str 650 lbs 174.00 cwt Ft Lupton
7 blk str 561 lbs 173.00 cwt Milliken
5 mx str 682 lbs 170.00 cwt Ft Collins
4 blk str 633 lbs 167.50 cwt Greeley
2 blk str 785 lbs 154.00 cwt Milliken
1 blk str 800 lbs 150.00 cwt Walden
4 bwf str 1003 lbs 136.00 cwt Ft Collins
3 blk str 975 lbs 136.00 cwt Wellington
7 rwf str 1066 lbs 132.00 cwt Ft Collins
7 bkwf str 1133 lbs 128.50 cwt Ft Collins
Heifers 3 bkrd hfr 475 lbs 155.00 cwt Ft Lupton
7 blk hfr 614 lbs 153.25 cwt Ft Collins
4 blk hfr 490 lbs 153.00 cwt Briggsdale
7 bkrd hfr 639 lbs 152.00 cwt Ft Lupton
3 blk hfr 687 lbs 151.00 cwt Walden
10 blk hfr 617 lbs 150.00 cwt Milliken
3 wf hfr 652 lbs 144.00 cwt Ft Collins
3 blk hfr 602 lbs 144.00 cwt Greeley
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Wednesday – June 1, 2022 – Hogs, Sheep, Goats, Calves & Special Monthly Horse Auction

WEDNESDAY – June 1, 2022
Please check out our representative sales, not all listed: Next sale is June 8, 2022
This Week: 672 Last Week: 785 Year Ago:         618
Lambs 2 wf lamb 45 lbs 330.00 cwt Ft Collins
22 dorp lamb 56 lbs 265.00 cwt Ft Lupton
12 bf lamb 97 lbs 255.00 cwt LaJunta
13 dorp lamb 72 lbs 255.00 cwt Lovell
12 bf lamb 93 lbs 250.00 cwt Albin
4 wtbw lamb 66 lbs 245.00 cwt Wheatland
5 wfsf lamb 116 lbs 245.00 cwt Kersey
15 bf lamb 102 lbs 240.00 cwt Belen
19 bf lamb 99 lbs 235.00 cwt Yoder
13 dorp lamb 93 lbs 235.00 cwt Lovell
29 dorp lamb 105 lbs 232.50 cwt Akron
3 wf lamb 40 lbs 230.00 cwt Torrington
12 wfbf lamb 58 lbs 215.00 cwt Belen
24 dorp lamb 33 lbs 210.00 cwt Maxwell
37 dorp lamb 42 lbs 210.00 cwt Maxwell
13 wtbr lamb 120 lbs 210.00 cwt Hudson
13 dorp lamb 74 lbs 205.00 cwt Maxwell
Ram lambs 1 dorp raml 95 lbs 340.00 cwt Ft Collins
2 bf raml 98 lbs 270.00 cwt Kirtland
1 blk raml 95 lbs 260.00 cwt Shiprock
3 wfbw raml 83 lbs 220.00 cwt Strasburg
2 dorp raml 145 lbs 117.50 cwt Milliken
Ewe/lambs 2 blk e&l 1 ewe/1 lamd 250.00 fam Lovell
3 wf e&l 1 ewe/2 lamb 300.00 fam Arcadia
Ewes 6 bf ewe 188 lbs 135.00 cwt Albin
6 bf ewe 218 lbs 125.00 cwt Erie
15 bf ewe 192 lbs 110.00 cwt Pueblo
4 bf ewe 181 lbs 92.50 cwt Loveland
2 wfbf ewe 133 lbs 92.50 cwt Hudson
6 wfbf ewe 188 lbs 87.50 cwt Strasburg
8 bfst ewe 233 lbs 85.00 cwt Ft Lupton
10 bfst ewe 170 lbs 82.50 cwt Belen
2 bf ewe 240 lbs 80.00 cwt Hudson
67 dorp ewe 168 lbs 77.00 cwt Midwest
19 wf ewe 144 lbs 74.00 cwt Midwest
27 wf ewe 172 lbs 65.00 cwt Arcadia
13 wf ewe 191 lbs 63.00 cwt Russell
12 wf ewe 165 lbs 62.50 cwt Russell
10 dorp ewe 88 lbs 57.00 cwt Maxwell
Ram 1 bf ram 160 lbs 132.50 cwt Waterflow
1 dorp ram 225 lbs 110.00 cwt Kirtland
1 bf ram 150 lbs 102.50 cwt Lovell
2 wf ram 158 lbs 97.50 cwt Waterflow
3 wfbf ram 217 lbs 92.50 cwt Ft Lupton
2 bf ram 233 lbs 75.00 cwt Kirtland
1 bf ram 220 lbs 75.00 cwt Waterflow
1 bf ram 305 lbs 72.50 cwt Waterflow
THIS WEEK: 606 LAST WEEK: 491 Year Ago:         261
Goats/wethers 2 boer goat 145 lbs 450.00 ea Willard
19 mx goat 161 lbs 377.50 ea Kirtland
4 boex goat 105 lbs 370.00 ea Ault
2 wtgr goat 120 lbs 350.00 ea Hudson
3 boer goat 85 lbs 295.00 ea Lovell
18 mx goat 76 lbs 260.00 ea Ault
4 boer goat 73 lbs 250.00 ea Waterflow
2 mx goat 73 lbs 200.00 ea Waterflow
5 wht goat 61 lbs 190.00 ea Waterflow
1 pgmy goat 85 lbs 160.00 ea Ault
Kids 2 boer kids 70 lbs 275.00 ea Wiggins
6 boer kids 62 lbs 250.00 ea Albin
5 boex kids 69 lbs 240.00 ea Lovell
2 boer kids 58 lbs 225.00 ea Wiggins
18 mx kids 59 lbs 207.50 ea Torrington
19 boer kids 55 lbs 190.00 ea Lovell
9 boex kids 70 lbs 190.00 ea Lovell
12 boer kids 45 lbs 162.50 ea Bayard
9 boer kids 32 lbs 157.50 ea LaSalle
6 boer kids 37 lbs 150.00 ea Brighton
6 boer kids 37 lbs 147.50 ea Albuquerque
8 kiko kids 47 lbs 147.50 ea Grand Junction
4 boer kids 31 lbs 142.50 ea Kersey
3 mx kids 37 lbs 105.00 ea Waterflow
1 bren kids 30 lbs 70.00 ea Belen
5 mx kids 16 lbs 40.00 ea Wheatland
Does 8 boer does 81 lbs 260.00 ea Lovell
20 boer does 68 lbs 257.50 ea Ault
10 boer does 79 lbs 255.00 ea Ault
7 boer does 52 lbs 197.50 ea Buffalo
6 brbw does 69 lbs 175.00 ea Wheatland
1 pgmy does 90 lbs 140.00 ea Emmett
2 rdwt does 35 lbs 100.00 ea Grover
2 blk does 45 lbs 85.00 ea Emmett
6 mx does 49 lbs 55.00 ea Belen
Nannies 1 red nany 207 lbs 305.00 ea Wheatland
3 boer nany 178 lbs 290.00 ea Kirtland
8 boer nany 148 lbs 265.00 ea Waterflow
5 boex nany 113 lbs 250.00 ea Hudson
4 boer nany 134 lbs 230.00 ea Wheatland
10 boer nany 118 lbs 195.00 ea Lovell
7 mx nany 76 lbs 190.00 ea Shiprock
2 boer nany 110 lbs 190.00 ea Lovell
2 red nany 110 lbs 185.00 ea Longmont
2 wtbr nany 103 lbs 165.00 ea Grand Junction
7 boer nany 89 lbs 155.00 ea Waterflow
6 mx nany 109 lbs 147.50 ea Lovell
3 wht nany 107 lbs 135.00 ea Eaton
7 pgmy nany 61 lbs 85.00 ea Shiprock
Billies 1 red billy 255 lbs 570.00 ea Wheatland
1 wht billy 185 lbs 390.00 ea Albin
1 spot billy 155 lbs 345.00 ea Kirtland
2 boer billy 173 lbs 325.00 ea Hudson
2 bkhd billy 113 lbs 310.00 ea Shiprock
2 boer billy 90 lbs 270.00 ea Eaton
30 boex billy 72 lbs 250.00 ea Wheatland
4 mx billy 74 lbs 245.00 ea Kersey
9 mx billy 92 lbs 235.00 ea Wheatland
4 togg billy 70 lbs 225.00 ea Briggsdale
14 kiko billy 67 lbs 210.00 ea Grand Junction
9 mx billy 56 lbs 185.00 ea Wheatland
3 mx billy 57 lbs 175.00 ea Kersey
3 pgmy billy 88 lbs 150.00 ea Hudson
4 boer billy 43 lbs 142.50 ea Brighton
1 b/w billy 80 lbs 130.00 ea Firestone
Nanny/Kid 2 brbk n&k 1 nanny/1 kid 190.00 fam Kirtland
3 boex n&k 1 nanny/2 kid 290.00 fam Pierce
Pigs 8 wht pig 66 lbs 80.00 cwt Russell
7 wht pig 66 lbs 70.00 cwt Russell
Fat Pigs 3 blk butc 332 lbs 105.00 cwt Kersey
1 hamp butc 150 lbs 100.00 cwt Milliken
2 wht butc 335 lbs 100.00 cwt Russell
2 wht butc 313 lbs 97.50 cwt Arcadia
1 mx butc 355 lbs 95.00 cwt Arcadia
3 wht butc 300 lbs 93.00 cwt Arcadia
3 mx butc 325 lbs 87.50 cwt Arcadia
2 wht butc 265 lbs 85.00 cwt Russell
1 wht butc 325 lbs 80.00 cwt Russell
2 wht butc 275 lbs 72.50 cwt Russell
Sows 1 wht sow 330 lbs 40.00 cwt Burns
2 spot sow 365 lbs 39.00 cwt Carr
Boars 3 blk boar 190 lbs 40.00 cwt Galeton
2 spot boar 203 lbs 32.50 cwt Galeton
Special Monthly Horse/Mule
Pony/Mules/Donkey 1 pnt pony 310 lbs 3,800.00 hd LaPorte Cty
1 bay mule 1015 lbs 2,450.00 hd Meeker
1 sorr mule 875 lbs 2,075.00 hd Keensburg
1 gray donkey 140 lbs 1,100.00 hd LaPorte
1 gray donkey 830 lbs 900.00 hd Deer Trail
Geldings 1 pnt geld 1,385 lbs 5,600.00 hd Meeker
1 sorr geld 885 lbs 4,500.00 hd LaPorte
1 pnt geld 1,325 lbs 3,700.00 hd Meeker
1 byrn geld 1,335 lbs 3,200.00 hd Willard
1 buck geld 1,260 lbs 3,100.00 hd Meeker
1 sorr geld 1,220 lbs 3,000.00 hd Chugwater
1 palo geld 1,025 lbs 2,600.00 hd Chugwater
1 grey geld 1,115 lbs 2,600.00 hd Platteville
1 blk geld 1,245 lbs 2,350.00 hd Wray
1 palo geld 905 lbs 2,250.00 hd Chugwater
1 bay geld 1,135 lbs 2,200.00 hd Eaton
Mares 1 blk mare 1,010 lbs 1,650.00 hd Meeker
1 byrn mare 980 lbs 1,500.00 hd Sedalia
1 blk mare 1,100 lbs 1,450.00 hd Willard
1 pnt mare 1,100 lbs 1,350.00 hd Wellington
1 sorr mare 1,090 lbs 975.00 hd Golden
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