Holstein/Holstein Cross steers & heifers market report January 4, 2024
The next sale will be Monday February 5, 2024
This Sale: 1656 Month Ago: 2179 Year ago: 1638
Steers – xbreds 4 mx strs 348 lbs 330.00 cwt Cheyenne
18 bkx strs 321 lbs 327.50 cwt Brighton
24 mx strs 371 lbs 327.50 cwt Greeley
27 bkx strs 399 lbs 317.50 cwt Greeley
10 bkx strs 391 lbs 315.00 cwt Kersey
4 bkx strs 394 lbs 310.00 cwt Ft Lupton
10 bkx strs 542 lbs 282.50 cwt Walden
15 bkx strs 421 lbs 275.00 cwt Brighton
8 bkx strs 445 lbs 270.00 cwt Longmont
6 bwf strs 490 lbs 265.00 cwt Glendive
5 blk strs 494 lbs 260.00 cwt Pierce
12 blk strs 368 lbs 255.00 cwt Loveland
4 char strs 440 lbs 251.00 cwt Ft Lupton
2 blk strs 538 lbs 250.00 cwt Kersey
17 holx strs 345 lbs 240.00 cwt Ault
13 mx strs 450 lbs 230.00 cwt Glendive
Steers – Hol 15 hol strs 342 lbs 275.00 cwt Byers
37 hol strs 273 lbs 235.00 cwt Longmont
11 hol strs 340 lbs 235.00 cwt Longmont
104 hol strs 361 lbs 235.00 cwt Platteville
10 hol strs 378 lbs 230.00 cwt Ault
39 hol strs 321 lbs 229.00 cwt Delmont
18 hol strs 346 lbs 223.00 cwt Ft Lupton
8 hol strs 388 lbs 222.00 cwt Loveland
17 hol strs 225 lbs 212.50 cwt Delmont
27 hol strs 249 lbs 212.50 cwt Delmont
25 hol strs 255 lbs 210.00 cwt Greeley
37 hol strs 462 lbs 197.00 cwt Gill
11 hol strs 450 lbs 192.50 cwt Ault
13 hol strs 468 lbs 192.50 cwt Ft Lupton
10 hol strs 472 lbs 190.00 cwt Eaton
14 hol strs 470 lbs 188.00 cwt Pierce
13 hol strs 484 lbs 186.00 cwt Milliken
22 hol strs 568 lbs 176.00 cwt Gill
13 hol strs 646 lbs 168.00 cwt Greeley
9 hol strs 514 lbs 162.50 cwt Kersey
19 hol strs 764 lbs 152.00 cwt Greeley
1 jers strs 575 lbs 102.00 cwt Eaton
1 jers strs 850 lbs 75.00 cwt Ft Morgan
2 jers strs 545 lbs 72.50 cwt Amarillo
2 jers strs 390 lbs 60.00 cwt Amarillo
Heifers – xbreds 35 bkx hfrs 359 lbs 277.50 cwt Greeley
5 bwf hfrs 430 lbs 275.00 cwt Encampment
6 blk hfrs 358 lbs 265.00 cwt Pierce
9 bkx hfrs 319 lbs 255.00 cwt Brighton
9 bkx hfrs 396 lbs 252.50 cwt Brighton
5 bkx hfrs 419 lbs 242.50 cwt Ault
5 bkx hfrs 459 lbs 232.50 cwt Kersey
17 bkx hfrs 349 lbs 200.00 cwt Kersey
8 bkx hfrs 461 lbs 190.00 cwt Milliken
8 bkx hfrs 467 lbs 185.00 cwt Glendive
11 bwf hfrs 601 lbs 180.00 cwt Glendive
6 holx hfrs 344 lbs 170.00 cwt LaJunta
3 blk hfrs 570 lbs 168.00 cwt Grover
16 mx hfrs 457 lbs 155.00 cwt Glendive
18 mx hfrs 561 lbs 155.00 cwt Glendive
7 bkwh hfrs 611 lbs 152.50 cwt Cheyenne
Heifers – Hol 10 hol hfrs 587 lbs 149.00 cwt Pierce
11 hol hfrs 557 lbs 147.00 cwt Eaton
25 hol hfrs 715 lbs 147.00 cwt Eaton
11 hol hfrs 1030 lbs 145.00 cwt Ault
1 rdwt hfrs 1020 lbs 135.00 cwt Julesburg
2 hol hfrs 1120 lbs 134.00 cwt Ft Lupton
1 hol hfrs 1060 lbs 134.00 cwt Ft Lupton
4 hol hfrs 1205 lbs 132.00 cwt Ft Lupton
4 hol hfrs 1253 lbs 132.00 cwt Ault
13 hol hfrs 1022 lbs 126.00 cwt Eaton
Bull Calves 3 blk bull 397 lbs 330.00 cwt Encampment