Holstein/Holstein Cross steers & heifers market report May 2, 2022
The next sale will be Monday, June 6, 2022
This Sale: 1202 Month Ago: 1681 Year ago: 1592
Steers 20 flex strs 431 lbs 197.00 cwt Byers
21 bkx strs 372 lbs 195.00 cwt Greeley
58 bkx strs 410 lbs 195.00 cwt Greeley
8 flex strs 525 lbs 180.00 cwt Byers
4 bkx strs 528 lbs 167.00 cwt Ault
11 hol str 307 lbs 145.00 cwt Ft Collins
10 bkx strs 569 lbs 144.00 cwt Riverton
12 hol str 252 lbs 133.00 cwt Longmont
18 hol strs 267 lbs 130.00 cwt LaSalle
28 hol strs 186 lbs 124.00 cwt Longmont
56 hol strs 374 lbs 124.00 cwt Ft Collins
24 hol strs 390 lbs 122.00 cwt Burlington
30 hol strs 360 lbs 121.00 cwt Greeley
19 hol strs 341 lbs 120.00 cwt Greeley
6 hol strs 339 lbs 118.00 cwt LaJara
4 hol strs 439 lbs 117.00 cwt Ft Collins
17 hol strs 483 lbs 113.00 cwt Ault
18 hol strs 474 lbs 112.00 cwt Greeley
12 hol strs 398 lbs 111.00 cwt Wiggins
23 hol strs 510 lbs 103.00 cwt Milliken
47 hol strs 599 lbs 102.50 cwt Gill
23 hol strs 612 lbs 100.50 cwt Milliken
16 hol strs 646 lbs 99.50 cwt Greeley
10 hol strs 500 lbs 99.00 cwt Gill
10 hol strs 506 lbs 94.00 cwt Riverton
4 hol strs 565 lbs 90.00 cwt LaSalle
Heifers 3 bkx hfrs 282 lbs 173.00 cwt LaSalle
17 bkx hfrs 421 lbs 153.00 cwt Greeley
5 bkx hfrs 364 lbs 150.00 cwt Eaton
12 bkx hfrs 640 lbs 135.50 cwt Yuma
10 bkx hfrs 601 lbs 129.00 cwt Erie
3 bhol hfrs 565 lbs 124.00 cwt Milliken
9 bkx hfrs 716 lbs 113.00 cwt Wiggins
5 hol hfrs 239 lbs 111.00 cwt Hereford
5 hol hfrs 252 lbs 106.00 cwt Severance
12 hol hfrs 795 lbs 105.50 cwt Ft Collins
4 hol hfrs 321 lbs 96.00 cwt Kersey
15 hol hfrs 414 lbs 90.00 cwt Merino
3 hol hfrs 325 lbs 87.00 cwt Loveland
5 hol hfrs 324 lbs 85.00 cwt Greeley
5 hol hfrs 472 lbs 85.00 cwt Loveland
8 hol hfrs 455 lbs 85.00 cwt Wray
4 hol hfrs 459 lbs 83.00 cwt LaJunta
10 jers hfrs 984 lbs 68.50 cwt Loveland
33 jers hfrs 792 lbs 54.50 cwt Loveland
10 jers hfrs 771 lbs 54.00 cwt Loveland
Heiferette’s 3 rdwf hfrt 1052 lbs 109.00 cwt Sterling
6 hol hfrt 1037 lbs 106.00 cwt Sterling
11 rwbw hfrt 1059 lbs 103.00 cwt Sterling
6 hol hfrt 1061 lbs 103.00 cwt Gill
7 hol hfrt 1126 lbs 102.00 cwt Sterling
6 hol hfrt 1096 lbs 102.00 cwt Sterling
3 hol hfrt 1052 lbs 101.00 cwt Ft Lupton
11 hol hfrt 1168 lbs 101.00 cwt Gill
3 hol hfrt 1162 lbs 92.00 cwt Sterling